The Big6 Skills A Problem-Solving Approach to Information Skills Instruction as developed by Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz The Big6(tm) is copyright (c) (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz.
How Much is That Doggy in the Window? Using the Big6 Skills How Much is That Doggy in the Window? Presentation created by Nell Ududec Bairdmore School January 2003
The Big Six: is a stage approach to information problem-solving may be research needed for a school assignment or information needed in your personal life it has six broad skill areas necessary for successful information problem-solving appropriate and useful to initiate the six logical steps whenever an individual has an information-oriented problem This problem may be a research project for school or perhaps a problem you need help with in your personal life students need to develop a range of competancies within each skill area Big6 scope and sequence offers a systematic alternative to tradtional K-12 frameworks that focus on location and access skills
Using the Big6 The Challenge: A family is looking for a new pet. They have decided on a dog, but what kind of dog should they get? They will be following the steps outlined in the Big6 to make their choice. -my family recently went through this very process -we wanted to purchase a dog but were unsure of what kind of dog would suit us best -decided to do some research
1. Task Definition Family asks: “What do we need to do?” Define the information problem. Identify the information needed to solve the problem. First step is to recognize that an information need -task – find the perfect dog for our family - we need information about a variety of dogs to determine which one would be best for our family - Identify the information needed -this is where the family would set the criteria for the type of dog they want; easy to train, short hair, good with children; cost;
2. Information Seeking Strategies Family asks: “What can we use to find what we need?” Brainstorm all possible sources. Select the best sources. - the family must consider all possible information sources and begin to develop a plan for searching. -list where to find information on a topic -breed specific books, encyclopedias, magazines, the vet, breeders, friends with dogs, the Internet
3. Location and Access Family asks: “Where can we find what we need?” Locate sources. Find information within sources. -family must now locate information from a variety of resources and access specific information found within individual resources. -locate sources – go to the library, finding books on shelves, book stores for magazines, phone breeders and vets for information -search for web sites on the Internet -find information within sources - use table of contents, index, glossary to find information within a resource -use search tools and commands for searching Internet, CD-ROMs
4. Use of Information Family asks: “What information can I use?” Engage (read, hear, view or touch). Take out needed information. After finding the resources the family must engage the information to determine its relevance and extract information. -scan the information in a book to determine whether or not it will be useful -download information from Internet, bookmark sites -take jot notes on information read, viewed or interviewed -analyze data on spreadsheets, graphs, charts, databases -determine the quality of information found– bias? From breeders? False information from fans of a breed? Is the web site endorsed by Canadian Kennel Club or America Kennel Club?
5. Synthesis Family asks: “How can we put our information together?” Organize information from all sources. Make a decision. (Create a product or performance.) Family must organize and communicate the results of the information problem-solving effort. put jot note fact cards in a logical order categorize information create database or spreadsheet to store information on dog characteristics create a printout of database or spreadsheet interpret and communicate findidngs and conclusions
The Product - Our Choice The Pug Gentle Friendly Good with kids Short haired Quiet Cat sized Intelligent Long lived Easily trained CUTE!!!
6. Evaluation Family asks: “How will we know if we did well?” Judge the product (are we happy with our new pet?). Judge the process (efficiency). -judge the product – are we happy with our new pet? – it’s a long term commitment! -does the dog fit the criteria as determined at the beginning of the project or have we chosen to amend our criteria as we found more information determine whether the information need, as originally defined, is met -judge the process – efficiency - reflect on what worked well this time and what you would do differently next time
To sum up... Information literate people are those who have learned how to learn. They are prepared for life long learning because they can always find the information needed for any task or decision at hand.