Norwegian High-Energy Heavy Ion Theory


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Presentation transcript:

Norwegian High-Energy Heavy Ion Theory 1998 - 2005 Bergen, Oct. 19, 2005

Bergen-Oslo Staff

Bergen-Oslo Junior Staff


An example of important results: 1999: Csernai & Röhrich [Phys.Lett.B458(99)454] observed the “3rd flow component” at SPS energies, not discussed before. It is observable in the directed flow v1. It is a signature of the soft Quark Gluon Plasma. 2004: Five years later, it was first observed at RHIC, and presented now at QM 2004! STAR, PHOBOS & PHENIX have all measured the flow component v1, and have detected the signs of the “3rd flow component”!

Hydro [Csernai, HIPAGS’93]

Development of QGSM is continuing

Bravina, Zabrodin, Arsene, Tywoniuk (UiO) and A. B. Kaidalov (ITEP) Gluon shadowing and the nuclear modification factor in Glauber-Gribov model The model links shadowing in A+A collisions to diffraction. In the high-energy limit the blobs in the diagrams are approximated by Pomeron exchanges. Input: data from HERA on diffractive and inclusive cross-sections - effective quark and gluon structure functions of nucleon and Pomeron Preprint at ICHEP2002 [Capella et al. Eur. Phys. J. C 5 (98); Armesto et al. Eur. Phys. J. C 23 (03); Capella et al. Phys. Rev. D 63 (01)]

Au-Au – directed flow Au-Au 19.6 GeV h± Au-Au 62.4 GeV h± PHOBOS preliminary PHOBOS preliminary Update of directed flow result first shown at QM2004 Similar (2-subevent) technique Added 62.4 GeV data Confirmed with mixed harmonic analysis 0-40% centrality 0-40% centrality Au-Au 130 GeV h± Au-Au 200 GeV h± PHOBOS preliminary PHOBOS preliminary 0-40% centrality 0-40% centrality See poster by A. Mignerey in Poster 1, section 2, number 47 S. Manly – U. Rochester Quark Matter, Budapest, Hungary - August 2005 11 11

Au-Au update – directed flow Baseline analysis overlaid with new PHOBOS mixed harmonic analysis Shows non-flow correlations small PHOBOS preliminary h± Au-Au PHOBOS preliminary h± Au-Au PHOBOS preliminary h± Au-Au PHOBOS preliminary h± Au-Au Mixed harmonic method: STAR collaboration, Phys. Rev. C 72 (2005) 014904 S. Manly – U. Rochester Quark Matter, Budapest, Hungary - August 2005 12 12

Finite b & Elliptic flow Beam direction 

FOHS - Movies: Freeze Out B=0, T-fo = 139MeV B=0.4, T-fo = 139MeV [Dan Strottman, Bernd Schlei, Los Alamos, LA-UR-03-3410]

OUTLOOK Theoretical heavy ion physics is very much needed by complex experiments, new fundamental problems, and high level education. We need in Bergen new permanent staff, with resources to plan for the next years!

Nuclear Theory
