Some Examples Reflection is used for many things: IDE’s / software analysis tools Debuggers Server Side Code i.e. ASP.NET Plug-ins Frameworks i.e. Java Beans Imitating function pointers in Java
The java.lang.Class Class ang/Class.html JVM always maintains Runtime Type Definition for all objects. Determines correct methods to call Class is used for this purpose. Unique Class object for each type.
java.lang.Class cont. 3 ways to get the Class class of an object (any Object).getClass(); For objects that already exist Scanner scan = new Scanner(; Class c = scan.getClass(); (Any type).class When you only know the type Works for primitives too Int.class; Scanner.class; Class.forName(“fully qualified path”); Know the name of class you want Class c1 = Class.forName(“java.util.Scanner”);
Useful methods in Class Public string Name(); returns name of class Constructor[] getConstructors() an Array of constructors (more on these later) Method[] getMethods() an Array of methods Field[] getFields() an Array of fields Class[] getInterfaces() an Array of Interfaces <T> newInstance() An instance of the class, only works in certain cases
java.lang.reflect.Constructor Represents a constructor for a class object Important Methods Class getDeclaringClass(); Int getModifiers(); Why int? Class[] getParameterTypes(); Object newInstance(Object[] args); Creates a new class if parameters are needed
Java.lang.reflect.Method Represents a method in a class Useful Methods in Method Class[] getExceptionTypes(); Int getModifiers(); String getName(); Class[] getParameterTypes(); Class getReturnType(); Invoke(Object o, Object[] args); Exceptions, Exceptions, Exceptions
Java.lang.reflect.Field Represents a Field within a Class get(type)(Object obj); Returns the value of the field in Object obj set(Type)(Object o) Sets the value
Two more java.lang.reflector.*’s Java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject Base for Constructor, method, field Allows you to modify accessibility at runtime. isAccessible(); setAccessible(boolean flag); Breaks with SecurityManagers java.lang.reflect.Modifier Takes int and returns facts about modifers on it isPrivate(int i); toString(int i);
Can I do it with Arrays? Java.lang.reflect.Array get(type)(Object Array, int index); set(Type)(Object array, int Index, type value); newInstance(Class type, int length); New Instance(Class type, int[] dimensions);
Function Pointers (in a way…) Cannot pass location of method in java In C/C++ this is possible Passing functions as parameters Void doAwesomeness(function awesome); Reflection provides a handy workaround if you need this functionality Simply pass method object and call invoke Before you get too excited… It not in Java for a reason Inheritance / Polymorphism usually safer.
Problems With Reflection Slow….. Security Problems If not security problems, than security risks
A brief intro to ClassLoader Q: So, other than object analyzers, generic toStrings, and function pointers what is Reflection good for? A: Loading classes dynamincally Sometimes you will not know all the classes that will be needed. Used by your application Sometimes the user will want to add their own Think of VS, Eclipse, some games
ClassLoader cont. ClassLoader is responsible for loading classes Every class has reference to ClassLoader the created it. Only object w/o class loader are generic Objects in arrays. Primitives have no class loader The original ClassLoader, (called the bootstrap class loader) has no parent class loader all others, as objects, do
Boot strap Class Loader Where does JVM look for classes? Some are included with application Custom Defined Ones Are all of them? JVM looks in ClassPath for classes, then in program / application What if you want to look elsewhere? On your own machine, you could add to ClassPath Can’t do this on end-user’s
Other Options Only one really… Create a new ClassLoader that extends abstract ClassLoader. Override loadClass Get location of file Get byte array of the class data Call define class and return the result You now have a class of a type that was unknown until runtime Problems with inheritance
An example custom Class Loader Public class customLoader extends ClassLoader { public class findClass(String name) { Byte[] b = openFileAndGetByteArray(name); Return defineClass(name,b,0,b.length); }
Citations Horstmann , Cay S., and Gary Cornell. Core Java 2 . Volume 1. Santa Clara, CA: Sun Microsystems, 2005. "The Reflection API." Sun Microsystems, Web. 19 Nov 2009.