Enhanced Services for Patrons Next Title By Enhanced Services for Patrons Presented by Rohini Bokka, Technical Services Manager & Mary Golden, System Administrator Naperville Public Library, Naperville, Illinois
Naperville Public Library & our branches
TS Functions Collection Development & Selection of Materials Acquisitions Cataloging Processing
Population 144,000 Materials Budget $2.625 mil Library Cardholders 74,642 Total Holdings 745,000
What is Next Title By?
Next Title By Patrons can place a hold on the next title written by popular adult fiction authors prior to pub date. This service, makes it easy for patrons to get in the hold queue for these popular authors.
Background Started this service in year 2009 Keep up with patron requests Place holds for the patrons Budget
Why did NPL consider this service ? Major factors Holds were overwhelming Maintain patron holds Staff time .
How does this work? 50 most Popular Authors were selected from AY list (automatically yours plan) A dummy record is created in Sierra for these authors A link to “Next Title By” is created on NPL’s website
How does a patron get started? Patron needs to place a hold on the newly generated “Next Title By” record to ensure that he or she will be in the queue for that author. When the title is announced, patron’s hold is automatically transferred to that new title.
On our website To provide access to the Next Title By list of authors and to assist in publicizing this services we have a page on our website in the “readers corner” that provides a brief description of the service and a direct link to the list of available “Next Title By” authors.
In our Catalog Clicking the url to view the complete list of authors takes you directly to the catalog and the result set. (Title search with a format of book as a limiter. This list is all of the authors that have a Next Title By record. Customers can place a hold on any of the records. In addition we also provide a link to the “newest” or most recently published title written by the author that is in ourcatalog written. This
Behind the Scenes – Bib Records This is an example of the NTB bib record – brief but gives important information. Continuing on from the process …
Behind the Scenes Identify NTB authors in B&T cart Suppress both NTB and new title records Transfer holds Attach new order record to NTB Unsuppress NTB record Once the AY cart is received, staff review it for NTB authors and suppress the NTB records noting the number of holds on each record. Download the cart quickclick After downloading the cart via OneClick, staff suppress the new title records. Staff then go to each NTB author record, and perform several actions.: Transfer holds from NTB to the new Title records – select all holds to transfer AND make certain to REATAIN the source bib Attach a new order record to the NTB Bib
Behind the Scenes – NTB Bib changes Edit the 264 Change the 264 to reflect the new title from the B&T cart Edit the 856 fields Update the bib record number (7 digits) Update the title to match the 264 Update the release date Edit the NTB Bib record: 260/264: change the title in this field to the new title from our B&T Cart 856: change the bib record number to that of the new title from the B&T Cart Change the title in this field to the new title from out B&T Cart Change the publication/release date Unsuppress the NTB Bib record Go the the new title record Delete the dummy order record Unsuppress the new title’s bib record
Pros & Cons Pros Cons Patrons will no longer have to check author websites or listen for radio or television programs to learn if a new title is coming out. Makes it easy for patrons to get on hold for these popular authors. When the publication is cancelled. When the publication is delayed. Notify patrons. Staff time.
Technical Services Manager Contact Rohini Bokka Technical Services Manager rbokka@naperville-lib.org 630-961-4100 ext. 6141 OR Mary Golden System Administrator mgolden@naperville-lib.org 630-961-4100 ext. 4983