FY-20 Active Aviation Commander Statistics and Takeaways Command Screen Board Statistics and Takeaways PERS-43 10 April 2019
Firm-Fair-Consistent Purpose Provide FY20 ACSB lessons learned to Fleet leadership based on board statistics Present board results in context of the precept, convening order and aviation career path Provide tools and data that leaders can use to both mentor junior officers and effectively document their performance and potential Firm-Fair-Consistent
BLUF Officers had to be a #1 OP DH to be competitive. The Board valued: Top hard breakouts - in NAE valued jobs - on every tour. A career path with increasing responsibility & experiential diversity. Post-DH tour choices: Nominative and key NAE jobs. Joint, the relative relevance of the command and job mattered. Fellowships and graduate education. Specific, consistent and credible Command recommendations. Credible soft breakouts and unambiguous trait averages. Higher echelon competitive award recipients. 3
Firm-Fair-Consistent Precept The Best and Fully Qualified: Possess the appropriate level of leadership, professional skills, integrity, management acumen, grounding in business practices, and resourcefulness in difficult and challenging assignments. Demonstrate adaptability, intelligent risk-taking, critical thinking, and innovation. Adhere to ethical standards, physical fitness, and loyalty to Navy Core Values. Are best qualified within their respective competitive category. Firm-Fair-Consistent
Firm-Fair-Consistent Convening Order Naval Aviation is first and foremost an aerial combat force that: Values the attainment of warfare qualifications and leadership both in the air and on the ground. Values the war fighting ability and tactical excellence required for combat now and in the future. The ultimate measure of success is: Sustained superior performance and proven excellence in leadership positions. Firm-Fair-Consistent
Exceptions to Policy Advertised with detailed notes sent to all eligible officers and their ISICs. Request adjudication was recommended by PERS-43 and determined by the Board President prior to convening. ETPs were generally intended for officers pulled In Zone early for CDR while still competing for a HW DH FITREP. 77 Deferral requests were approved for IZ officers. 15 HSC, 14 HSM, 21 MPRF, 2 VAQ, 11 VAW, 11 VFA, 3 VRC 33 OP Only Looks were approved for AZ officers. 1 HM, 6 HSC, 8 HSM, 2 VAQ, 1 VAW, 1 VRC, 4 VFA, 9 MPRF, 1 VQ(T) One Additional Look was approved. 7
146 Commanding Officers Selected Board Results URL SG05 (AZ) – 69 34 OP 29 OP-T 6 SM URL SG06 (IZ) – 53 OP Bonus – 5 Test – 3 LDO – 5 OP, 1 SM AMDO – 8 OP, 2 Bonus 146 Commanding Officers Selected
Competition for Command remains fierce! URL DH FITREPs (SG-05/06) 294 of 428 of eligibles were Hard Breakout (HBO) #1 DHs All 122 URL selects were HBO #1 DHs (122/428=28.5%) 172 #1 DHs not selected (40 > 11 and 85 > 6 month tickets) SG-05 - 249 remaining AZ eligibles 162 were #1 DHs 69 selected OP, OP-T, or SM (69/162=43%) Avg select ticket length: Operational 9.9 mos OP, OP-T, SM 8.0 mos SG-06 - 179 IZ eligibles (256 before Deferrals) 132 were #1 DHs 53 selected OP (53/132=40%) Avg. select ticket length: Operational 10.1 mos Competition for Command remains fierce!
URL OP Selects 87 total (53 IZ /34 AZ) 53 had a #1 DH ticket > 9 months 43 > 11 months, 7 = 11 months and 3 = 10 months 34 had a #1 DH ticket < 10 months 10 had a #1 HBO in 3 other tours 13 had a #1 HBO in 2 other tours 10 had a #1 HBO in 1 other tour All 10 had at least 1 other tour with a #2 or 3 EP in a summary group > 20 1 had long #2 HBOs in 2 other tours vs summary groups of > 15 and took a highly valued hard fill job post-DH #1 DH ticket length was balanced against documented Sustained Superior Performance over an entire career.
Diversity Statistics ELIGIBLES RECORDS SELECTED PERCENTAGE TOTAL 580 146 25.2% FEMALE 22 7 31.8% MALE 558 139 24.9% MINORITY 52 21 40.4% 2 1 50.0% 50 20 40.0%
URL SG-05/06 Stats 292 #1 DH Selects #1 DH Non-Selects Total #1 DH: 294 122 42% 172 58% JPME 67 55% 89 52% JDA 50 41% 70 Major Staff 42 34% 55 32% Masters 69 57% 106 62% OOD/CDO 85 70% 88 Overseas 38 31% IA/GSA/APH 4 3% 14 8% Training Officer / SJO 46 38% 49 29% Afloat Staff 23 19% 36 21% Ships Company (CVN) 24 20% 25 15% Ships Company (AMPHIB) Aide Tour 17 14% 19 11% FRS 59 48% 86 51% NAWDC 15 12% 12 7% VX / NAVAIR 10% 16 9% TPS 5 4% 6 TRACOM 8 28 16% NROTC 0% 1 1% 12
URL Community Stats
HM 11 records for 1 OP and 1 OP-T select 6 #1 DHs Selects 8.6 month average ticket length 4 of 6 #1 OP DHs had at least 1 other #1 HBO tour Selects Both had > 8.6 month tickets and a #1 HBO in at least 1 other tour 14
HM HM Total Eligible 11 Total Selects 2 18.2% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 5 45.5% 100.0% Weapons School 1 9.1% 50.0% TRACOM 0.0% Flag Aide VX/HX/NAVAIR TPS AFLOAT STAFF TOUR CVN AMPHIB 4 36.4% NAWDC TO / SJO 3 27.3% Qualifications Level 4 Level 5 OOD/CDO Overseas Joint Education JPME Master's Degree 15
HSC 69 records for 13 OP, 5 OP-T and 2 SM selects 47 #1 DHs 7.7 month average ticket length 13 OP Selects 10 month average ticket length 10 IZ / 3 AZ 8 had a #1 DH ticket > 9 months 5 had a #1 DH ticket < 10 months 2 had a #1 HBO in 3 other tours 2 had a #1 HBO in 2 other tours 1 had a #1 HBO in 1 other tour 16
HSC HSC Total Eligible 69 Total Selects 20 29.0% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 36 52.2% 11 55.0% 15.9% Weapons School 15 21.7% 6 30.0% 8.7% TRACOM 12 17.4% 2 10.0% 2.9% Flag Aide 4 20.0% 5.8% VX/HX/NAVAIR 1 1.4% 0.0% TPS 3 4.3% AFLOAT STAFF TOUR 13 18.8% 5 25.0% 7.2% CVN 5.0% AMPHIB 15.0% NAWDC TO / SJO 27 39.1% 9 45.0% 13.0% Qualifications Level 4 64 92.8% 100.0% Level 5 19 27.5% 8 40.0% 11.6% OOD/CDO 43 62.3% 14 70.0% 20.3% Overseas 30 43.5% 7 35.0% 10.1% Joint 29 42.0% 10 50.0% 14.5% Education JPME Master's Degree 54 78.3% 75.0% 17
HSM 88 records for 12 OP, 4 OP-T and 1 SM select 50 #1 DHs 7.6 month average ticket length 12 OP Selects 9 month average ticket length 8 IZ / 4 AZ 5 had a #1 DH ticket > 9 months 7 had a #1 DH ticket < 10 months 3 had a #1 HBO in 3 other tours 2 had a #1 HBO in 2 other tours 2 had a #1 HBO in 1 other tour 18
HSM HSM Total Eligible 88 Total Selects 17 19.3% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 39 44.3% 8 47.1% 9.1% Weapons School 5 29.4% 5.7% TRACOM 15 17.0% 0.0% Flag Aide 7 8.0% 1 5.9% 1.1% VX/HX/NAVAIR 4 4.5% TPS 2 2.3% AFLOAT STAFF TOUR 10 11.4% CVN AMPHIB NAWDC 3 3.4% TO / SJO 42 47.7% 11 64.7% 12.5% Qualifications Level 4 83 94.3% 100.0% Level 5 20 22.7% 6 35.3% 6.8% OOD/CDO 45 51.1% 58.8% Overseas 22 25.0% 17.6% Joint 12 70.6% 13.6% Education JPME 46 52.3% Master's Degree 59 67.0% 19
MPRF 84 records for 15 OP, 7 OP-T and 1 SM select 40 #1 DHs OP Selects 6.6 month average ticket length OP Selects 6.5 month average ticket length 8 IZ / 7 AZ 1 had a #1 DH ticket > 9 months 14 had a #1 DH ticket < 10 months 4 had a #1 HBO in 3 other tours 6 had a #1 HBO in 2 other tours 4 had a #1 HBO in 1 other tour 20
MPRF MPRF Total Eligible 84 Total Selects 23 27.4% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 35 41.7% 12 52.2% 14.3% Weapons School 13 15.5% 6 26.1% 7.1% TRACOM 9 10.7% 3 13.0% 3.6% Flag Aide 11 13.1% VX/HX/NAVAIR 16 19.0% 2 8.7% 2.4% TPS 4 4.8% 1 4.3% 1.2% AFLOAT STAFF TOUR 8 9.5% 17.4% CVN 49 58.3% 18 78.3% 21.4% AMPHIB 0.0% NAWDC TO / SJO 5 6.0% Qualifications Level 4 73 86.9% 22 95.6% Level 5 37 44.0% 34.8% OOD/CDO 25 29.8% 15 65.2% 17.9% Overseas 28 33.3% Joint 39.1% Education JPME 41 48.8% 56.5% Master's Degree 21
VQ(T) 16 records for 2 OP and 2 OP-T selects 6 #1 DHs OP Selects 6.5 month average ticket length OP Selects 1 IZ / 1 AZ Both had a #1 HBO in 2 other tours 22
VQ(T) VQ(T) Total Eligible 16 Total Selects 4 25.0% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 9 56.3% 1 6.3% Weapons School 2 12.5% 0.0% TRACOM 50.0% Flag Aide 3 18.8% VX/HX/NAVAIR TPS AFLOAT STAFF TOUR CVN 15 93.8% 100.0% AMPHIB NAWDC TO / SJO Qualifications Level 4 Level 5 OOD/CDO 5 31.3% Overseas Joint 8 Education JPME 12 75.0% Master's Degree 23
VAQ 32 records for 12 OP and 1 OP-T select 26 #1 DHs OP Selects 9.2 month average ticket length OP Selects 11.3 month average ticket length 6 IZ / 6 AZ 11 had a #1 DH ticket > 9 months 1 had a #1 DH ticket < 10 months 1 had a #1 HBO in 3 other tours 24
VAQ VAQ Total Eligible 32 Total Selects 13 40.6% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 20 62.5% 9 69.2% 28.1% Weapons School 4 12.5% 1 7.7% 3.1% TRACOM 0.0% Flag Aide VX/HX/NAVAIR 2 6.3% TPS AFLOAT STAFF TOUR 12 37.5% 15.4% CVN AMPHIB NAWDC TO / SJO 11 34.4% 7 53.8% 21.9% Qualifications Level 4 24 75.0% 92.3% Level 5 30.8% OOD/CDO 14 43.8% Overseas 10 31.3% Joint 5 15.6% Education JPME 8 25.0% 38.5% Master's Degree 25
VAW 42 records for 7 OP, 4 OP-T and 1 SM selects 25 #1 DHs (14x1310, 11x1320) 10 month average ticket length OP Selects 10.7 month average ticket length 5 IZ / 2 AZ 6 had a #1 DH ticket > 9 months 1 had a #1 DH ticket < 10 months 1 had a #1 HBO in 1 other tour 26
VAW VAW Total Eligible 42 Total Selects 12 28.6% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 24 57.1% 7 58.3% 16.7% Weapons School 4 9.5% 1 8.3% 2.4% TRACOM 3 7.1% 0.0% Flag Aide 9 21.4% 33.3% VX/HX/NAVAIR 5 11.9% 25.0% TPS 2 4.8% AFLOAT STAFF TOUR 13 31.0% 41.7% CVN AMPHIB NAWDC 8 19.0% TO / SJO 14 Qualifications Level 4 41 97.6% 100.0% Level 5 OOD/CDO 33 78.6% Overseas Joint Education JPME 27 64.3% 66.7% Master's Degree 26 61.9% 27
VRC 7 records for 2 OP selects 5 #1 DHs OP Selects 9.3 month average ticket length OP Selects 12.5 month average ticket length 1 IZ / 1 AZ Both had a #1 DH ticket > 9 months 28
VRC VRC Total Eligible 7 Total Selects 2 28.6% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 1 50.0% 14.3% Weapons School 0.0% TRACOM 3 42.9% Flag Aide VX/HX/NAVAIR TPS AFLOAT STAFF TOUR CVN AMPHIB NAWDC TO / SJO Qualifications Level 4 Level 5 OOD/CDO Overseas Joint Education JPME Master's Degree 4 57.1% 100.0% 29
VFA 88 records, 23 OP, 5 OP-T, 1 SM selects 63 #1 DHs (50x1310, 13x1320) 9.3 month average ticket length OP Selects 12.1 month average ticket length 19 IZ / 4 AZ 19 had a #1 DH ticket > 9 months 4 had a #1 DH ticket < 10 months 1 had a #1 HBO in 2 other tours 2 had a #1 HBO in 1 other tour 1 had long #2 HBOs in 2 other tours 30
VFA VFA Total Eligible 79 Total Selects 29 36.7% Overall Eligible Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 33 41.8% 8 27.6% 10.1% Weapons School 11 13.9% 7 24.1% 8.9% TRACOM 1 3.4% 1.3% Flag Aide 2 2.5% VX/HX/NAVAIR 16 20.3% 5 17.2% 6.3% TPS 3 3.8% 0.0% AFLOAT STAFF TOUR 26 32.9% 6 20.7% 7.6% CVN AMPHIB NAWDC TO / SJO 25 31.6% 14 48.3% 17.7% Qualifications Level 4 100.0% Level 5 17 58.6% 21.5% OOD/CDO 57 72.2% 89.7% Overseas 35 44.3% 15 51.7% 19.0% Joint 21 26.6% 37.9% Education JPME 31 39.2% Master's Degree 38 48.1% 12 41.4% 15.2% 31
Test Community Stats
Acquisition, Test, and Fleet Performance all matter! TEST Command CDR Test Command (USNTPS/VX-31): 2/30 selected (6.7%) Eligibility O-5/O-5(s) TPS Grad (5403) & DAWIA T&E Level 2/3 Defense Acquisition Corps Member Eligibles: 8 URL/22 AEDO Experienced-CDR Test Command (VX-20): 1/9 (11.1%) O-5, not yet IZ for O-6 Completed or serving in Op/Op-T CO or AEDO O-5 Leadership tour with at least 1 FITREP Eligibles: 0 URL/9 AEDO Acquisition, Test, and Fleet Performance all matter!
Test Command (TPS/VX-31) TEST (USNTPS/VX-31) Total Eligible 30 Total Selects 2 6.7% Overall Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 7 23.3% 0.0% Weapons School 1 3.3% TRACOM Flag Aide VX/HX/NAVAIR 100.0% TPS AFLOAT STAFF TOUR 3 10.0% 50.0% CVN AMPHIB NAWDC TO / SJO Qualifications Level 4 87.5% 7.5% Level 5 2.5% OOD/CDO 14 42.5% Overseas 32.5% Joint 15.0% Education JPME 8 35.0% 5.0% Master's Degree 29 77.5% Firm-Fair-Consistent
Test Command (TPS/VX-31) Firm-Fair-Consistent
Firm-Fair-Consistent Test Command (VX-20) TEST (VX-20) Total Eligible 9 Total Selects 1 11.1% Overall Eligible % of Total Eligible Selects % of Total Selected % of Total Tours FRS 0.0% Weapons School TRACOM Flag Aide 100.0% VX/HX/NAVAIR TPS AFLOAT STAFF TOUR 2 22.2% CVN AMPHIB NAWDC TO / SJO Qualifications Level 4 Level 5 OOD/CDO Overseas Joint Education JPME Master's Degree 8 88.9% Firm-Fair-Consistent
Firm-Fair-Consistent Test Command (VX-20) Firm-Fair-Consistent
Operational Command Path Warfare Area Focus IN-RESIDENCE GRADUATE EDUCATION CAREER WINDOW FLT TRNG FRS 1st SEA 1st SHORE 2nd SEA FRS DH 2nd SHORE T/M/S & Tactical Qualifications Production WTI FRS TEST TRNG CMD -TRNG O - Afloat Staff - Aide OP DH MO OPSO OIC NAE Key Billet Joint / MAJ Staff Grad Ed Fellowship JPME Valued achievements prior to DH Competitive breakout in first sea & shore tours (production highly valued) Tactical excellence Valued achievements prior to Command JPME required prior to assuming command Top DH performers detailed to most demanding jobs Joint, Major Staff, NAE select fills Graduate degree valued but not expected, bi-annual talent management boards Competitive breakout as a DH: OPS/MO/OIC highly valued Attainment of advanced warfare qualifications Firm-Fair-Consistent
Career Path Tactical excellence & top breakouts in 1st Sea, Production, and Afloat 2nd Sea tours, in job assignments with ever increasing accountability and responsibility, was critical to selection. DH Performance, particularly as OPSO/MO/OIC, remained the most critical determinant for selection. A breadth of experience combined with top breakouts across the entire record in some cases outweighed length of DH ticket. Conversely, a long DH ticket alone did not necessarily lead to selection of an otherwise unremarkable record. Post-DH assignments were scrutinized – critical NAE billets, experience enhancing joint billets, and graduate education were viewed positively. 40
Quals and Experience Valued qualifications and experience: WTI / Level V Tactical – ACTC/SFWT/Strike Leads Aircraft – NATOPS Instructor / FCF early in career Community specific – CVW / Force LSO Combat Experience FDNF / Overseas Hostile IA / GSAs CDO Underway / OOD JPME 1 completion Diversity of assignment locations, scope and responsibility was viewed positively 41
FITREPs In general, a > 5 month #1 as OPSO/MO was a minimum requirement for consideration (community variations). A double-tap #1, especially from different reporting seniors, was viewed as a strong message to the board. Credible, consistent and specific command recommendations. Credible soft breakouts are important, particularly during ship’s company tours and/or during the O3 to O4 transition. Larger summary groups increase record strength. Lack of a breakout (hard or soft), perceived downgrade in Block 40 recommendation and/or a relatively low trait average on a HW or “Kiss” FITREP can be viewed negatively. 42
FITREPs Use the FITREP to document: Community, peer and higher echelon awards and nominations Valued qualifications Education Training and/or experience with emerging combat capabilities IA/GSAs Use the FITREP to explain unusual circumstances: Perceived decliner due to promotion OR decrease in summary group size Victim of a recent and unexpectedly large zone shift Early roller for an Aide or hard fill job 43
FITREPs BLOCK 41 Specifics Clearly and efficiently communicate to the board White space is OK Use the intro to specify hard and/or soft breakouts. Use the intro and closing to communicate recommendations for promotion and specific career milestones. (OP CMD, OP DH, MAJ CMD, CAG/CVW CMD, CVN CMD) Individual trait average matters, especially on HW and “Kiss.” Avoid “managing RSCA” on the HW or Kiss FITREP of an officer that deserves command. Letters of Extension increased ticket length in the board. 44
Awards Wing, Community, NAE and Service level awards recipients were highly valued by the board. Credible higher echelon endorsements / nominations for NAE and Service level awards should be noted in both Block 41 and on end of tour awards. A credible soft break out from a CAG or CDRE in an award write up was valued by the board. 45
Letters to the Board Most effective LTBs explain a poorly written, incomplete, or future FITREP: Explain extraordinary situations Highlight undocumented achievements (awards, quals, education) Note job selection/performance before first FITREP opportunity Least effective LTBs were “Great officer . . . must pick” letters. A well written FITREP will preclude the need for a LTB. LTBs should be submitted if important factual and/or objective information is not captured in the officer’s record. 46
It is your record. Keep it up to date! Officer Records Record maintenance is an individual responsibility. Community Detailer/Assistant Recorder reviews are a courtesy. Over 450 pieces of FY20 ACSB correspondence were received. The most common problems with records were: Missing/gapped/rejected FITREPs. Missing awards/citations, qualifications and advanced education. An incomplete record can bring into question the officer’s attention to detail. Board correspondence does not update or fix permanent record. It is your record. Keep it up to date! 47
Exceptions to Policy Deferrals OP Only Looks Additional Look Anticipate Deferrals, in some form, to again be advertised for the FY-21 ACSB. The intent is to defer ACSB eligbility for officers who, through no fault of their own, are pulled IZ for O-5 prior to having sufficient time to compete for a HW DH FITREP. PERS recommends the “Qualified for Command (2D1 AQD)” designation be withheld for officers meeting deferral intent until the FY-21 ACSB Deferral / Eligibility Criteria is endorsed by NAE leadership and published. OP Only Looks OP Only exceptions to policy will not be advertised for the FY-21 ACSB. Additional Look Officers with approved FY-20 ACSB OP Only requests, that were not selected for OP Command, MUST REQUEST an additional look for the FY-21 ACSB. 48
FY-20 Active Aviation Commander Statistics and Takeaways Command Screen Board Statistics and Takeaways PERS-43 10 April 2019