Making Each Math Moment Matter Sue D’Angelo and Alicia Charbonneau Name Tag: One Side: Your Name Really Large The Other Side: An Educational #Hashtag Soaring to new heights!!!! Sign up on the PD system: Math Moments Matter Making Each Math Moment Matter Sue D’Angelo and Alicia Charbonneau
How is it going? Think, Write, Post Individual Activity Questions, Comments, Concerns, Success Stories Think, Write, Post Individual Activity One thought per post-it Post on appropriate chart: Number Talks, Number of the Day, Problem of the Day, and/or Other
Planning is like ____________.
Productive Unproductive Finished: Pull out each card one at a time. Pick a card that your team wants to further discuss; one that you may have been confused on or want further clarification. Pull out each card one at a time. Have a conversation of where it goes and why.
Our Purpose for Today:
Key Understandings When you leave here today we want you to have these key understandings: 1.) Everything we do in the math class serves a purpose. In order for the structure to be maximized we must have a goal and know what success looks like before implementing it. Planning is critical. 2.) SLOW DOWN! Use the success criteria to help you see what students need to do by the end of the year. One great problem is better than 30 rote problems. 3.) Action during each part of your structure is your lesson. You don’t need to add another component to “teach a lesson”. If your parts of the structure are intentional and purposeful, students are doing what they need to do to be successful.
Differentiation is a result of proactively planning.
Self-Assessment How are we going? On My Way “Taking off” “Rocking It” Self-Assessment When Finished: Make two individual goals- 1: pertaining to number talks/number of the day 1: pertaining to problem of the day.
Action Plan One person from your team opens the action plan from the training page of our website: Type your individual goals in the boxes
Number Talk Time!
The goal is to make 13 using any combination of the circled numbers. You are successful if you can explain how your combined numbers equal 13.
How successful were you today? 1. 2. 3. 4. How successful were you today? You are successful if you can explain how your combined numbers equal 13.
What is the Purpose? When do I have time to teach a lesson? Structure Complete Number Talk 10-15 minutes Number of the Day 10 -15 minutes Problem of the Day 10-20 minutes Build and Explore 15-20 minutes What is the Purpose?
1st Grade Success Criteria First Grade’s success criteria on pages 4 and 5 of the GPS have standards and success criteria listed side-by-side.
With your team: Highlight the first grade success criteria looking for statements that we experienced during the number talk. What did you notice? What is success criteria?
Successful Planning for Number Talks “GUIDED DISCOVERY” Mathematical Goal and Success Criteria Anticipating strategies What is important about how I record? Follow up (questions, look fors, anchor chart)
Why do we teach strategies? It goes beyond memorization AND knowing 20 different strategies!!! -Graham Fletcher “All students need to have a deep and flexible knowledge of a variety of procedures, along with an ability to make critical judgements about which procedures or strategies are appropriate for use in a particular situation.” National Research Council (2012)
Let’s Do One Together! Mathematical Goal and Success Criteria Anticipating strategies What is important about how I record? Follow up (questions, look fors, anchor chart) Let’s Do One Together! K 1
Tools Teaching Tips Number Talks
What challenge do you foresee in planning for number talks Exit Ticket for Lunch: What challenge do you foresee in planning for number talks and how are we going to overcome that challenge?
Bell Work: Independent Activity Roll two number cubes. Make the largest two- digit number and record it. Complete your sheet.
Number Talk Questions
Problem of the Day
Success Criteria for Word Problems: I can describe what is happening in the problem. I can identify and explain what the problem is asking me to find. I can write or tell a reasonable estimate before I add or subtract. I can represent each problem using models (manipulatives). I can represent my thinking using objects, pictures, number lines, hundreds chart, words, or numbers. I can write equations to represent my thinking, including a symbol for what is unknown. I can explain how I arrived at my answer. I can justify why my answer makes sense.
Think about your success criteria as you solve. Problem of the Day My chain had 8 links until Joanna took some. I now have 5 links. How many did Joanna take? Think about your success criteria as you solve.
Success Criteria for “We Do” their seats. Students use their visual models to explain what they did to their partner.
Problem of the Day My chain had 8 links until Joanna took some. I now have 5 links. How many did Joanna take?
My chain had 8 links until Joanna took some. I now have 5 links My chain had 8 links until Joanna took some. I now have 5 links. How many did Joanna take?
Successful Planning for Problem of the Day Mathematical Goal and Success Criteria Anticipating strategies Selecting students’ strategies Sequencing students’ strategies Connecting strategies to the goal and success criteria
Think-Write-Share Use the back of your NOD Bellwork sheet Describe a student who has number sense. What makes this student come to mind? What are we doing to meet all of our students needs during number of the day?
I’m thinking of a number between 30 and 40 I’m thinking of a number between 30 and 40. When you add my digits, you get the sum of 9. What’s my number? I am successful when: I can create a number line and use it to plot my number. I can make the number with base ten blocks in 2 ways using rods and cubes both times, and draw both ways on my sheet. I can prove whether or not two people can share this number equally by showing how I did it.
Compare the type of thinking that occurred during each of the Number of the Day activities. How would the NOD change if we didn’t add the success criteria?
Balancing Your Activities To find the right balance, ask yourself these questions: What kinds of thinking do I want students to do routinely? If my own child were participating, what would I want him or her to be doing? What is the most effective way to spend the limited classroom time I have? Decide for yourself how often you should focus on tasks at each level so that students gain the most from the learning opportunities you design.
Hands-On; Tools for Exploration What is the Goal of Number of the Day? Hands-On; Tools for Exploration Kindergarten First Grade Counting and Cardinality Place Value to 100 Number and Operations in Base Ten Non-Standard Measurement Measurement Using a Ruler
Success Criteria for NOD Clear learning goals and success criteria thought of ahead of time Students EXPLORE: manipulatives and drawings are an expectation every day Students COLLABORATE (share and compare strategies) Students EXPLAIN (defend their answer; convince a skeptic)
Look at the success criteria for NOD. Look at the upcoming assessment to see examples. Choose to make a “Wacky Riddle Wednesday” or “Mystery Number Monday” on a flipchart. Include the Success Criteria and the Learning Intention.
Mystery Number Monday Could be: A number hidden behind an object that is pulled out. 15 ones and 3 tens Rolled with two dice (add or use to make two digit number) Hidden on a 100s chart
On your flipchart slides: On first Slide: Learning Intention Problem Success Criteria On second Slide: List of Tools that need to be out at each table Specific questions to ask to extend that relate back to the success criteria. On your flipchart slides:
EXPLORE Build and
Make Each Math Moment Matter! Think: Am I planning each station with a specific learning goal in mind? Are my students aware of the learning goal? Can they state the learning goal to someone? How do students know if they were successful at the station?
The Story of Two Teachers
Which teacher are you? Many of us start off the year going fast like the hare and we miss the teachable moments! Don't be a hare!!!!!!!!
Almost every successful Teacher begins with two beliefs: The future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.
Exit Ticket: What ideas shared today will help you make every math moment matter? What concerns do you have moving forward? How can Sue/Alicia help?