G ospel in eography Gethsemane
Palestine in the days of Christ Where are these places ? 01 Mediterranean Sea 02 Sea of Galilee 03 Nazareth 04 Mt Carmel 05 Judea 06 Sychar 07 Idumea 08 Bethlehem 09 Wise men – East 10 Egypt 11 Galilee 12 Jerusalem 12 Jordan 14 Betharabah 15 Cana 15 Capernaum 17 Gennesaret 18 Dalmanutha 19 Nain 20 Gergesa 21 Bethsaida 22 Phoenicia 23 Tyre 24 Sidon 25 Decapolis 26 Caesarea Philippi 27 Mt Hermon 28 Samaria 29 Jericho 30 Bethphage 31 Bethany 32 Gethsemane 33 Cyrene 34 Arimathea 35 Golgotha 36 Emmaus 37 Mt Olives 38 Dead Sea
. Gergesa .Sea of Galilee . Caesarea Philippi . Bethsaida . Bethany Palestine Region Sidon . . Mt Hermon Tyre . PHOENICIA . Caesarea Philippi . Bethsaida GALILEE Mediterranean Sea Gennesaret . . Gergesa Capernaum . Mt Carmel . Dalmanutha . .Sea of Galilee Cana . Nazareth . . Nain DECAPOLIS Samaria . Sychar . Jordan River Jerusalem Gethsemane Golgotha Mt Olives Jericho . Wise men – East Arimathea . Bethphage . . Betharabah . Emmaus Jerusalem . . Bethany Jerusalem Bethlehem . JUDEA Dead Sea IDUMEA Egypt
The Life of Christ Mark 14:32 Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, "Sit here while I pray."
Gethsemane Jerusalem
Gethsemane Gethsemane ?
The Life of Christ Jesus’ last days before the crucifixion Garden of Gethsemane Somewhere on the slopes of the Mount of Olives Jesus prayed in the last hard hour before the mob came to take Him to His death After His resurrection Walked the peak to Bethany with His disciples Gave them their commission to go into all the world to preach the gospel Later as they watched, Jesus was lifted from the earth and was hidden by the clouds
Garden of Gethsemane
Gethsemane - Spring
Gethsemane Winter
Gethsemane Summer