Advocating and awareness support for Acquired and Congenital Heart Defects
Mission & Vision Statement It’s My Heart provides strength and support for those affected by Heart Defects. It’s My Heart exists to provide support to and advocating for those affected by Acquired and Congenital Heart Defects. Through awareness, resources and education, It’s My Heart creates alliances and networks among families, groups, hospitals, and the community.
CHD Facts Congenital Heart Defects are the #1 birth defect. Source: March of Dimes Congenital Heart Defects are the #1 cause of birth defect related deaths. Source: March of Dimes About 1 out of every 100 babies are born each year with some type of Congenital Heart Defect. (approx. 40,000/year) Source: Children’s Heart Foundation Nearly twice as many children die from Congenital Heart Defects in the United States each year as from all forms of childhood cancers combined, yet funding for pediatric cancer research is five times higher than funding for CHD. Of every dollar the government spends on medical funding only a fraction of a penny is directed toward Congenital Heart Defect research.
CHD Facts The American Heart Association directs only $0.30 of every dollar donated toward research. The remainder goes toward administration, education and fundraising efforts. Of the $0.30 that goes toward research only $0.01 goes toward pediatric cardiology for CHD. Source: Children’s Heart Foundation This year approximately 4,000 babies will not live to see their first birthday because of Congenital Heart Defects. The cost for inpatient surgery to repair Congenital Heart Defects exceeds $2.2 billion a year. Though research is ongoing, at least 35 defects have now been identified.
History Why There are very little resources and information for families affected by Heart Defects Existing organizations were lacking in their efforts to support Huge need for the families with little funding and support in existence Dates It’s My Heart was founded in March 2005 in Houston Texas. First fundraising walk was held in March 2007 Became an official national organization in November 2007 First National Conference held June 2009 250 active volunteers across 15 states in 2010 8 walks to be held in 2010
IMH Chapters It’s My Heart, National Headquarters 20+ Chapters in 15 States Future Chapters: Virginia, Oklahoma, California, Rhode Island, Canada, Australia It’s My Heart, National Headquarters 1775 St. James Place, Suite 130 Houston, TX 77056
How We Support IMH Website Comfort Bags Walks Family Matching IMH is an outreach driven organization. In addition to information and resources our focus is on supporting the people and families affected by CHD. IMH Website (Centrally designed website for all support efforts and information for IMH) Comfort Bags (Care bags delivered to Hospitals for the families) Walks (Primary fundraising events) Family Matching (Connecting families through geography or condition similarity) Hospital Programs (Backpack Buddies, Comfort Bags, Care packages, etc) Advocacy Conferences (Knowledge based conferences for families) Literature (Literature distribution and awareness, My Heart Bio’s) Support Meetings (Monthly meetings open to public and families)
It’s My Heart Website IMH website is a resource for families and people needing support and information. Families can resource hospitals, pharmacies, specialized clinics, updated research, news and connect with other families. Obtain information for getting involved and volunteer opportunities Find useful links and information on support Updates on upcoming walks and fundraising events Locate a chapter for support in your area General information on Heart Defects Making donations
CHD Walks IMH National Walk - 2011 February 19th, 2011 IMH walks are the core of our fundraising initiatives IMH National CHD Walk held every year in Houston, Tx National Walk has exceeded 3,000 participants in 4th year National walk fundraising has exceeded $350,000 in less than 4 years Projecting 9 walks in 2011. IMH National Walk - 2011 February 19th, 2011 Sam Houston Park, Downtown Houston Upcoming Chapter Walks - 2010 Minnesota Chapter – Saturday, September 11th, 2010 Philadelphia Chapter – September 15th, 2010 Seattle Chapter – October 2nd, 2010 New Jersey Chapter – October 3rd, 2010
Comfort Bags IMH donates nearly 10,000 bags per year to patients and families in hospitals across the US. Contents Small to medium size (6″-12″) stuffed animals Disposable cameras w/flash Crayons (24 pack) Blank drawing pads or coloring books Pens Puzzle books Spiral notebooks or notepads (plain 8.5 x 11, lined paper) Folders with pockets (plain) Trial Size – hand lotion Trial Size – hand sanitizer Chapstick Tissue packs – mini pocket size Individually Wrapped Snacks – mints, gum, small candy bars, mini raisin boxes, pretzels
Get Involved Event Volunteers Donations Sponsorships IMH welcomes involvement through the following: Event Volunteers Donations (Monetary, event prizes, etc) Sponsorships (Comfort Bags, item cost coverage, donations, etc) Chapter Initiation Hospital Programs Heart Masks (Sewing Heart Masks for Hospital children) Advocacy & Awareness
Sponsors and Partners IMH is always looking for long term strategic sponsors and partnerships.
It’s Not Fun Being #1