GOOD MORNING! Take out a pencil and a clean piece of lined paper. We are going to start today with our new vocabulary words!!
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: PAN “all” Pandemonium n. uproar Pandemonium threatened to break out after the Tigers won the World Series.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: PAN “all” 2. Panacea n. A cure-all for diseases or troubles. Some politicians seem to regard tax cuts as a panacea for economic problems.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: OMNIS “all” 3. Omnipotent adj. Having unlimited power; all- powerful Zeus is the omnipotent ruler of Mount Olympus.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: OMNIS “all” 4. Omnipresent adj. Present everywhere At harvest time the smell of garlic is omnipresent in Gilroy, the “garlic capital of America.”
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: OMNIS “all” 5. Omnivorous adj. Feeding on both plants and meat. Human beings are omnivorous, though many choose to be vegetarians.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: HOLOS “whole” 6. Catholic adj. Universal, including most things. Her wide travels reflect her catholic tastes. (capitalized) Referring to the Roman Catholic Church. Spain is a predominantly Catholic country.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: HOLOS “whole” 7. Holocaust n. A great destruction, especially by fire After the 1906 earthquake, a holocaust swept through San Francisco. (capitalized) Murder by the Nazis of over 6 million Jews and millions of other people in World War II. Hitler sent several people to concentration camps during the Holocaust.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: TOTUS “whole” 8.Totalitarian adj. Referring to a form of government in which one person or party holds absolute control. Germany during the Holocaust was under the totalitarian rule of Adolf Hitler.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: CLAUDO, CLAUDERE, CLAUSI, CLAUSUM “to close” 9. Cloister n. 1. A covered walk along the inside walls of a building, usually looking out on a courtyard. 2. A monastery of similar place of religious seclusion. tr. v. To seclude as in a monastery. During the Black Plague, many parents secluded their children in an isolated village.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: CLAUDO, CLAUDERE, CLAUSI, CLAUSUM “to close” 10. Preclude tr. v. To prevent; to make impossible Rain precluded our taking a walk.
VCR Lesson 3: All or Nothing Root: CLAUDO, CLAUDERE, CLAUSI, CLAUSUM “to close” 11. Recluse n. A person who avoids mixing with people. The recluse preferred the company of a dog and the library to that of people.