Common Logical Fallacies Flawed Arguments
Logical Fallacies… Flaws in an argument Often subtle Learning to recognize these will: Strengthen your own arguments Help you critique other’s arguments
Hasty Generalization A generalization based on insufficient or unrepresented evidence Deaths from drug overdoses in Metropolis have doubled over the last three years. Therefore, more Americans than ever are dying from drug abuse.
Non Sequitur (Does Not Follow) A conclusion that does not follow logically from preceding statements or that is based on irrelevant data. Mary loves children, so she will make an excellent school teacher.
Begging the Question (Unsupported Assertion) An argument in which the writer or speaker never provides evidence to support their claim Students should not be allowed to park in lots now reserved for faculty because those lots should be for faculty only.
Bandwagon Appeal (Ad Populum) A claim that an idea should be accepted because a large number of people favor it or believe it to be true.
Name Calling An attack on the person proposing an argument rather than on the argument itself. There isn’t proof and is misleading.
Testimonial Using the opinion of someone well known, but they may not be an expert on that subject.
Glittering Generality Words or phrases that are vague. Often everyone can agree on its value, but may not understand what it means. The interpretation may be different than your own. (honor, change, or courage are examples)
Card Stacking The speaker only tells the audience the facts that support the point that he or she is trying to make. He or she will leave out the bad aspects. A medicine ad might neglect to tell about all of the side effects it might have.
Plain Folk A Plain Folks argument is one in which the speaker presents him or herself as an Average Joe, a common person who can understand and empathize with a listener's concerns.
Practice- What is it? Mac Duty GEICO NAVY Old Spice Obama ARMY PSY Taco Bell Nyquil eTrade Live Fit Mac- Card Stacking NAVY- testimonial ARMY- glittering generality Nyquil- Card Stacking Duty- bandwagon Old Spice- gernalization PSY-testimonial eTrade- non sequitur Geico- begging Obama- name calling Taco Bell- generalization
Identify what fallacy each of these ads are using and explain why.