Lecture 6 Dr Milena Škobo GEORGE ELIOT Lecture 6 Dr Milena Škobo
MARY ANN EVANS (1819-1880) born in 1819 in Warwickshire moved to Coventry made friends with a group of Coventry intellectuals An Enquiry into the Origins of Christianity gave up her Evangelicism In 1846 translated Life of Jesus
GEORGE ELIOT the Westminster Review - a contributor and an editor George Henry Lewes complex relationship with her brother Isaac
ELIOT’S WORKS Scenes of Clerical Life (1856) Adam Bede (1859) The Mill on the Floss (1860) Silas Marner (1861) Romola (1863) Middlemarch (1872) Daniel Deronda (1876).
The Mill on the Floss her most autobiographical novel ends tragically close childhood relationship with her father and older brother Isaac a spiritual conversion to Evangelicism
TREATMENT OF REALISM psychological realism materialism of the British midlands
MILL ON THE FLOSS the Tullivers the Doddsons
BOOK FIRST the painfulness of life without a past Maggie's childhood emotions Stephen - an example of the dangers of neglecting the past Dr.Kenn – a moral yardstick in the novel
"At present everything seems tending toward the relaxation of ties—toward the substitution of wayward choice for the adherence to obligation which has its roots in the past."
MORALITY variations of egoism sympathy vs. egoism Mr.Deane to Tom: "That's the right spirit, and I never refuse to help anybody if they've a mind to do themselves justice."
TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE MAGGIE’S TOM’S "uncanny“ Practical, tangible and natural
EDUCATION -Mr. Deane tells Tom: "The world isn't made of pen, ink, and paper, and if you're to get on in the world, young man, you must know what the world's made of.“
SOCIETY characters’ internal competing impulses the social and economic workings of a community
GEOGRAPHY OF TOWNS AND LAND HOLDINGS St. Ogg's Basset Garum Firs Dorlcote Mill
ECONOMIC TRENDS entrepreneurial capitalism innovations (the steam engine) the Dodsons or the Miss Guests outline different strata in the society
TWO CLANS THE DODSONS THE TULLIVERS socially respectable concerned with codes of behavior and materialistic Tom less socially respectable have a depth of emotion and affection Maggie
MUSIC indicates Maggie’s sensibilities moments of profound, unconscious discovery or understanding vulnerability
ANIMAL IMAGERY ponies, dogs, ducks "We [adults] no longer approximate in our behaviour to the mere impulsiveness of the lower animals, but conduct ourselves in every respect like members of a highly civilized society. Maggie and Tom were still very much like young animals."
DARKNESS/LIGHTNESS OF WOMEN the uniqueness of Maggie's appearance distinctions between the Dodsons and the Tullivers
THE FLOSS Floss = Maggie
OTHER SYMBOLS St. Ogg - the legendary patron saint of the town Maggie’s eyes
TOM AND MAGGIE’S RELATIONSHIP Tom’s negative influence upon Maggie denial of love and approval Duty vs. Love