Task In pairs write down all the different functions that a manger has to carry out? Plan objectives and strategies to achieve them Organise resources Exercise command over staff Co-ordinate day to day tasks
Leadership? Is there a difference between leadership and management? Leader will perform many of the managerial duties But also, Be a visionary- See where the company is now and know the direction in which to take them Are able to implement the process change to reach an end result Motivate those around them Devise strategies whilst manager implement them
Characteristics of a leader Think of a person who you think is an effective leader What characteristics/traits do they have? Ability to motivate Change direction when required Vision Self motivated/confident Problem solver Innovative Specialists
Authoritarian Description Features “Autocratic” Senior management take the decisions Little involvement by others Domineering!! Features Set objectives Allocate tasks Retain full control
Paternalistic Description Features Dictatorial Decisions in best interests of employees Features Decisions explained Communication with employees but little delegation Persuasion rather then imposition Consultative
Democratic Description Features Persuasive Consultative: The leader has already made their decision and spend time persuading others around them Consultative: Will consult those around them first before making a decision Features Employees can have full part in the decision making Participation Delegation (working parties)
Laissez Faire Description Features “Let it be” Literally “Free to Do” Broad aims and guidance established Features Employees left to get on with the job Freedom of responsibility Expansion for creativity
Task Many believe that the democratic style of leadership is seen as the most effective. Taking into account the modern society why do you think this method has been successful? Society has become more democratic in general, so many will see this as an expectation within the workplace Increased standards of living and education have meant that people have a greater expectation and freedom at work Managers can tap into ideas If people are involved they are more likely to be committed to their work
Task Read the case study on pages 110 -111 and answer the associated questions