Angel Tree Giving a hand to our Jay M. Robinson High School students and families in need during the Holidays. The Annual Angel Tree is in front of the auditorium with the items that you can buy.
Athletic Boosters is sponsoring a dining out fundraiser on December 11th Texas Roadhouse. Tell your server you are there for Robinson
Band Congratulations to Breanna Bennett, Hiott Hames, Leo Martinez, Colin Whiteley, Ricky Paysor, Sean Andrade, Kevin Gorman, and Bryan Wilson for being accepted into the Charlotte Youth Wind Ensemble.
Ecology Club There will be an Ecology Club meeting Mrs. Payne's Room 602 on Wednesday December 7th after school.
Explorer Club The veterinary explorer post is a program that allows 9th-12th grade students to explore the field of veterinary medicine. We have meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. During the meetings, we learn about various aspects of veterinary medicine and practice techniques through various hands on activities like suturing. The cost is $25 per year.
Our FACULTY JMR vs. COX MILL BASKETBALL Faculty Basketball Our FACULTY JMR vs. COX MILL BASKETBALL GAME is Wednesday, December 14th at 6:30. We will be playing at home.
FCA/YCI FCA/YCI will be having its first annual Christmas party after school on December 14th. There will not be a meeting that morning, sleep in and join us in Trailer 6 for food and fun starting at 2:45pm. The theme will be wearing your favorite ugly Christmas sweater.
Holiday Around the World The Multicultural Club and National Spanish Honors Society invites you to Holidays Around the world fiesta on December 20th from 3-5 in our school cafeteria. Bring an item to share with the group.
December 21st is Holiday Cheer day. Come to school dressed ready to celebrate a needed break and some Holiday Fun!
ID Pick Up Please come to room 309 to pick up your senior ID if you have not yet received one.
Chicken Filet Sandwich Popcorn Chicken Wrap Bar Lunch Menu Hot Dog with Chili Chicken Filet Sandwich Baked Beans Garden Salad Chilled Pears Fruit Cobbler Popcorn Chicken Wrap Bar
They need basic toiletry items. MAC House Donation Box FCA/YCI is sponsoring a donation box for the MAC House (Mother’s and Children’s Ministry). They need basic toiletry items. They can be dropped off in the main office by December 21st.
Mr. JMR There is a mandatory meeting for anyone signed up for Mr. JMR in room 311 on Thursday, December 8th. Mr. JMR is Friday, December 16th at 6pm.
PSA Competition Introduction to Broadcasting has just completed their Social Media PSAs. You can vote for the most effective PSA on the school’s main page. Vote today!
Robinson’s Red Club Robinson’s Red Club has a mandatory meeting today in Ms. Stegall’s room.
Be sure your name is on your pictures. Throwback Thursday Submit your throwback pictures to or bring them to room 912. Be sure your name is on your pictures.
Toys for Tots Please bring unwrapped toys to the Chorus Room by December 14th to help us make Christmas brighter for many young children.
Tri-M Music The December meeting of Tri-M Music Honor Society will be next Wednesday, December 14th, at 2:25 pm. Please remember to bring in your toys for our Toys for Tots collection by that date.
This weeks’ SPORTS
Basketball plays Hickory Ridge at home on Friday, December 9th.
They have the JM JV Rumble at home on Saturday December 10th. Wrestling Wrestling competes in SPC conference match at Hickory Ridge on Friday, December 9th. They have the JM JV Rumble at home on Saturday December 10th.
The Swim Team competes in an away match on Friday, December 9th. Swimming The Swim Team competes in an away match on Friday, December 9th.