Legal Opinion in the Google Classroom A Teacher Paperless World
Elements of a Legal Opinion Issue Rule Analysis Conclusion
Issue (Question) Key word to use is WHETHER do not write “whether or not” because the “or not” indicates you may have doubts about the issue. Write the statement in order to get a “Yes” or “No” answer. Do not write the statement as a compound sentence that will make 2 issues of law to consider. Issue statements are made for one and only one legal idea at a time.
Rule of Law There are several key words, such as, PURSUANT TO, ACCORDING TO or UNDER. Remember you must state the relevant law for the issue and all of the legal elements of the law in question.
Analysis The signal word is HERE. This is the biggest part of your brief (opinion) and/or legal analytical reasoning. You must match the elements of the law with the facts from the situation and circumstances.
Conclusion The signal word is THEREFORE. The words yes or no should follow the word “therefore.” Then make a “because” statement that connects with the issue, the rule of law and your analysis.