Cause and Effect: Stability and Change
Read the letter with your elbow partner and then record and answer the following questions in your notebook on page 11. What is the problem? Who is the client? What is the client asking your team to do? What things do you need to include in your solution? Where are you going to go to gather information?
Tree activity You will all get a card & Post it sticky – DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR CARD until I tell you.
Find 4 people that have the same card as you. Have them write their names on your post it note. Return to your desk and remain standing behind your chair.
I am going to be a deadly disease. When I touch you please quietly sit down you are dead. Read the names of the 4 people on your card, you infected them and they need to sit down they are dead as well. Everyone sitting will read the names of the people who signed their card that are still standing they are also dead.
Why did the disease spread so fast? What would happen to the forest? Return cards Write the question and answer in your notebook.
We are going to repeat the activity a second time.
Why did the disease not destroy the entire forest this time? Copy and answer question in your notebook Collect tree cards.
What is monoculture? The cultivation of a single crop in a given area.
What is polyculture? The simultaneous cultivation or exploitation of several crops or kinds of animals.
What are the advantages of polyculture vs monoculture? Less susceptible to disease. Gives biodiversity to the ecosystem. May be more pleasing to people. (Beautiful different kinds of plants)