Advanced Placement Information Session 2019-2020
AP Courses AP courses offer college-level curricula and examinations to motivated and academically prepared high school students. Colleges and universities often grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the AP examinations. All AP exams are offered in May for a fee of approximately $100 for each subject.
Advantages of AP Stand out on college admissions applications Develop college level academic skills Skip entry level courses Save $$$$ on Tuition Offer more flexibility in college scheduling Graduate from college sooner More contact time in High School than in college
AP Courses @ BCHS 9th 10th 11th 12th 11th/12th AP Human Geography - **In ADDITION TO* Integrated Social Studies 10th AP World History - In place of World Civilization 11th AP English Language/Composition - In place of English 3 AP U.S. History - In place of general U.S. History 12th AP English Literature - In place of English IV AP Calculus AP Spanish Language & Culture 11th/12th AP Statistics AP Computer Science – 10th/11th/12th AP Biology & Lab - In place of General Biology AP Chemistry & Lab Any Grade - AP Studio Art – Two Dimensional – must have teacher approval
Pre-requisites for AP courses Social Studies AP Human Geography Must have earned final grade of A or B in 8th grade Social Studies AP World History Must complete a summer writing assignment Must have earned a final grade of A in ISS AND English 1 Must have earned a final grade of A or B in AP Human Geo and Pre-AP English 1 AP US History Must have earned a final grade of A in previous year English class and an A in previous year Social Studies class Must complete summer reading assignment OR have AP US History teacher approval
Pre-requisites for AP courses English AP English Language Must have earned a final grade of A in English II Must have earned a final grade of A or B in Pre-AP English II Must have met Reading benchmark on CERT test or official ACT
Pre-requisites for AP courses Science AP Biology Must have earned a grade of A or B in Integrated Science STEM AP Chemistry Must have earned a grade of A or B in Pre-AP Chemistry and a grade of A or B in Algebra I
Pre-requisites for AP courses Math AP Calculus Must have earned a grade of A or B in Pre-Calculus OR have AP Calculus teacher approval AP Statistics Must have earned an grade of A or B in Algebra II AP Computer Science Must have earned an grade of A or B in Algebra I
Pre-requisites for AP courses Art AP Studio Art Must have Art teacher approval
AP/Dual Credit Differences College credit granted based upon exam score College credit granted upon completion of the course Cost: Approx. $100 for EACH AP Exam Ranges from free to $175 Open to any student* Students must meet ACT benchmark for most courses Grade does not go on permanent college transcript Grade does go on permanent college transcript
AP/Dual Credit Differences Rigorous course work Rigor depends upon professor Curriculum the same in every state Curriculum varies by professor College credit granted different at every college College credit usually granted as the course taken at most Kentucky colleges College credit granted at MOST colleges in the USA College credit not always granted outside of Kentucky BCHS offers 11 AP Courses Course offerings endless
Receiving College Credit Students must get at least a 3 on the AP exam to get college credit Credit given varies by college and by score Some colleges give scores for 3 and others only 4 or 5 Some colleges give credit for two courses with a 4 or 5 Does not always transfer as a General Education Requirement (GER) If it does not transfer as a GER it often transfers as an elective Each college has an AP Equivalency Chart on their website Check the websites of the colleges you may attend to view their chart
AP or Dual Credit AP – Recommended for students who want to go to an out of state college AP – Recommended for 9-11 for better college preparation Dual Credit – Great for seniors to get additional general education requirements out of the way who want to go to a Kentucky college
Schedule Changes We base whether or not we offer a course on the number of students who request it. For this reason we have a set Schedule Change Policy. It is very important for students to choose their requests wisely!!
Course Catalog The course catalog is online at the Bourbon County High School Guidance Website on the top right side of the page.
Questions We are here to help!
Counselor Information Jessica Hickerson Students A-K Jennifer Berk Students L-Z Please email us with any questions!