Assembly Lines Mass production is when lots of the same items are made quickly in a factory. This was done with an assembly line, which was a process used in factories where an item would have it’s different parts made by different people who specialized in that specific part to make the process faster. The effects of the creation of assembly lines are that more products could be made in less time, these products were cheaper, and there were more factories and factory workers thus economy boomed
Steel Steel is a malleable metal that is stronger and lasts longer than other metals that were commonly used before the Industrial Revolution, such as iron. The only problem was its cost. Andrew Carnegie managed to keep the cost of steel down by forming a monopoly on the steel industry and controlling every step of the process of making steel. He was the only person you could get steel from in colonies.
Inventors During the Industrial Revolution, inventors made technological advances that have changed the way we live today. Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb and set up electrical power stations that involved other inventions such as generators. Another inventor whose main invention of the telephone has drastically changed our lives today is Alexander Graham Bell. Both of these inventions moved techonolgy and economy along.