Prolog 前言 Text Book 課本: R.Wolfson, “Essential University Physics",


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Prolog Text Book: R.Wolfson, “Essential University Physics",
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Prolog 前言 Text Book 課本: R.Wolfson, “Essential University Physics",
Presentation transcript:

Prolog 前言 Text Book 課本: R.Wolfson, “Essential University Physics", Vols 1&2, 2nd ed., Addison Wesley (2012) Website 網址 : Homework 作業 : Course ID : 課程編號 : RENCKU2013F (資源系) Grades 分數 : Exercises 作業 : 30% Clickers 堂測 : 20% MidTerm 期中考 : 20% Final 期末考 : 30%

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