Tree of Life Fossil Clip Age of Earth Clip
Lamarck’s idea of use & disuse
Lamarck’s idea of use & disuse
Lamarck’s idea of use & disuse
An Adaptation is any trait that increases fitness gg Gg GG gg Gg An Adaptation is any trait that increases fitness Darwin Vid
Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection Because of genetic variation in the giraffe population, some giraffe necks were longer than others. Making some individuals more fit.
Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection The giraffes with the more desirable traits lived longer and healthier and were able to pass their genes for longer necks to the next generation.
Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection In the next generation there were more genes in the population for longer necks.
Reproductive Isolation Original Population Geographic Isolation ----------- Population is split and cannot interbreed Changes occurred in one population that did not happen in the other Reproductive Isolation ----------- Population is reunited but no longer interbreeds
There are an estimated 50 million species of living things on Earth. Scientists have identified about 2 million of them This branch of science is called taxonomy A system in order to classify all of these species had to be established
Scientists use the organisms genus and species for their scientific names. This is called binomial nomenclature