Speaking Test Format 20 minutes 11 questions 6 tasks Computer-based test 20 minutes 11 questions 6 tasks
Read a Text Aloud –review Description (Q1, 2) evaluation Read a passage 150–200 words Announcement / advertisement HINT: Imagine you are an ANNOUNCER Pronunciation Stress Intonation rise/fall
Describe a Picture –review Description (Q3) evaluation Focus on important elements in the photo Establish the scene Zoom in on the important elements first Fill in the other elements HINT: Connect ideas together and make it interesting. Pronunciation, Stress, Intonation Cohesion Grammar Minimum: correct grammatical structure Maximum: complex grammatical structure Vocabulary Minimum: correct word choice Maximum: interesting vocabulary HINT: more important than grammar
Respond to Questions –review Description (Q4, 5, 6) evaluation Series of related questions Third is longer –give more details No preparation time Pronunciation, Stress, Intonation Cohesion, Grammar, Vocabulary Relevance to the topic Completeness of response
Respond to Questions Using Information Provided –review Description (Q7, 8, 9) evaluation Series of related questions related to a visual graphic Schedule/agenda No preparation time Questions are not on the screen Footnotes/fine print Questions use synonyms Pronunciation, Stress, Intonation Cohesion, Grammar, Vocabulary Relevance to the topic Completeness of response
Propose a Solution –review Description (Q10) evaluation Voice message Problem Recognize the problem Offer solutions or give advice/ suggestions HINT: use good customer service skills to deliver your response. Pronunciation, Stress, Intonation Cohesion, Grammar, Vocabulary Relevance to the topic Completeness of response Understand your role with the company Appropriate progression of ideas
Express an Opinion –review description (Q11) evaluation Give your opinion Give 2–3 reasons Explain/support your reasons with Details Examples Arguments Pronunciation, Stress, Intonation Cohesion, Grammar Interesting vocabulary Relevance to the topic Completeness of response
What do you study for? Tasks are designed to reflect the kinds of situations you might encounter in the global world we are living in. Typical Topics Banking Jobs Entertainment Offices Health Restaurants Housing Transportation Industry Travel
How can I prepare? Write Read Listen Watch Use Practice, practice, practice. Record yourself.
Other advice Learn your strengths and weaknesses. Focus Learn to control test anxiety. https://www.ets.org/toeic/test_takers Focus