Song LIANG Email: liangs @ CMS-IHEP, China 2009.11.06 Hadron Shower Shape Song LIANG Email: liangs @ CMS-IHEP, China 2009.11.06
Data Sample Pi- sample: Eta = 0.65779 Phi = 0.21976 E = 100.0 GeV Events:1000
The number of crystals which the pion track pass through
Method 1: The shower shape in all crystals. From the reconstruction hit From the fitting of the shower formula Method 1: Using track extrapolation to find the pion track in the ECAL. Fit the start point using the formula.
Method 1: The shower shape in 9x9 crystals around the crystal which has the highest deposit energy. From the fitting of the shower formula From the reconstruction hit
Method 2 The shower shape in all crystals. From the reconstruction hit From the fitting of the shower formula Method 2: Suppose that the pion track is along the beeline from the center point of CMS to the point which the pion hit the ECAL. Suppose the start point is the point which the pion hit the ECAL.
Data Sample Pi- sample: Eta: -1.479~1.479 Phi: -3.14~3.14 E = 20~200.0 GeV Events:5000
The number of crystals which the pion track pass through
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The distribution of the start point t_start is the depth of the start point.
The formula to fit the hadron shower Lateral: Lognitudinal: R1=6.21 dE/dt =E0b(bt)a-1e-bt/Γ(a) a=0.67*log(E/Ec)-0.29 tmax=l.04*log(E/Ec)-0.16 b=(a-1)/tmax E=24.83
The distribution of the deposit energy of 9x9 crystals
The distribution of the deposit energy of 9x9 crystals(from the fitting of the formula)
When nCrystal=1 The shower shape
When nCrystal=2 The shower shape