Bill Wittelsberger Bill Wittelsberger Picture of community: this could be a photo representing the community or a map overview made on GIS. Crofton
Social Assessment Crofton has a large percentage of households with one or more children. A large majority of the employed adults commute to work outside of the community. There are many nearby parks providing recreational opportunities. Issues most important to residents include good quality education, living in a safe pleasant community, managing commutes to work, and finding an ideal balance between the competing demands of family, school, church, and jobs. Most interaction occurs between neighbors and at school, church, and community sponsored events. Limited communication occurs on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
Environmental Assessment Major pollution sources include storm water runoff from turf grass and impervious surfaces. Runoff results in excess nutrients, sediment, pesticides and other chemical contaminants being pushed into local streams.
Environmental Assessment Positive aspects discovered included several completed environmental restoration projects including raingardens and a stream restoration. Found community organizations and individuals aware of environmental challenges and willing to help address them.
Environmental Assessment RainScaping techniques best suited to Crofton include rain gardens and conservation landscapes. Insert a picture (s) or map (s) of community illustrating restoration opportunities
Environmental Assessment Large scale impact by encouraging the Crofton Country Club to become involved in a formal voluntary environmental stewardship program. Insert a picture (s) or map (s) of community illustrating restoration opportunities
Environmental Assessment Large scale impact by eliminating impervious pavement in townhouse parking lots and in four tennis courts abandoned many years ago by the Crofton Country Club.
Community Vision Would like to see the widespread adaptation of rain gardens and conservation landscapes that reduce harmful runoff into local streams. Would like to see many existing rain gardens and conservation landscapes rehabilitated and long term maintenance plans put into effect. Would like to see a concerted community effort to reduce impervious surfaces.