Assignment Log Human Populations: Check #1 Day of Chapter 6 Reading Quiz Name of assignment: Problems to be done for full credit: Points: Vocabulary Unit #1 1-38 5 The Lorax 1-9 5 Features of Populations 1-3 5 Density and Distribution 1-4 4. Population Growth 1-4 5 5. Pop. Math Practice Part 1: 1-8 Part 2: 1-12 and 13 A-E 10 Pop. Age Structure 1-8 5 Pop. Regulation 1-3 Pop. Growth Curves 1-5
Assignment Log Human Populations: Check #2 Day of FRQ (Unit #1 Free Response Question) Name of assignment: Problems to be done for full credit: Points: Internet Pop. Assign. 1-15 and 16 a-f 10 R and K Selection 1-4 5 Survivorship Curves 1-3 The World in Balance 1-23, Extension 1 A-C and 2 A-D 10 The Material World Completed Chart, 1-5 and 6 A-D 5 World Pop. Lab 1-5, 3 pyramids and chart (developing country) 10 1-8, 3 pyramids and chart (developed country) 1-9 and extension 1-5 World Pop. Growth 1-3 5 Human Demography 1-2 Life Expectancy and Survivorship 1-2 Human Sustainability 1-3 Pop. Issues in China and India 1-7 and 8 A-F 10 Doubling Time in Expo. Growth Problem A: 1-7 Problem B: 1-4 8. Take Home Test 1-50 5