Pathologic features of interstitial nephritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Pathologic features of interstitial nephritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease. (A) Acute interstitial nephritis with dense interstitial inflammation composed predominantly of lymphocytes and eosinophils (hematoxylin and eosin, original magnification ×200). (B and C) Granulomatous interstitial nephritis with interstitial infiltration by mononuclear cells and noncaseating granulomas with multinucleated giant cells (arrows) (hematoxylin and eosin, Jones methenamine silver, both original magnification ×200). (D) Chronic interstitial nephritis with diffuse interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy. The glomerulus is preserved (Masson trichrome, original magnification ×100). Josephine M. Ambruzs et al. CJASN 2014;9:265-270 ©2014 by American Society of Nephrology