Utility Trailer Manufacturing Co. World’s oldest privately held trailer manufacturer 113 Dealer locations throughout the Americas 6 Factory locations In 2014, celebrated 100th Year of innovation and quality Industry’s largest reefer trailer manufacturer 1st SmartWay Certified Trailer
These are the Utility Trailer product lines These are the Utility Trailer product lines. These are the products I will be discussing today
Trailer Environment Today Large Demand for Trailers Resource Capacity is stretched Supply Chain is stretched Got to have it NOW Trailer Specifications not being considered Trailers being put into Multi use applications Changes in Trailer life expectancy The perfect storm climate Demand: A tremendous amount of freight to haul today (as you all know), which has lead to out of normal demands from all customers of all sizes and diversified operations. Bascially 50% more unit demand than in the past. So the customer that historically orders 25 or 50 trailers are ordering 50 to 100 etc. Resources: At this point all manufacturers combined do not have the ability to meet the capacity for the current market demands. Supply Chain: The industries supply chain is stretched to the limit trying to meet the demands of trailer manufacturers. (suspensions, landing gears, side wall coil, interior liner and so forth) GOT TO Have It NOW! Which Leads to customers purchasing trailers for any application no matter what the specs, just to get a piece of equipment to fill a haul or contract. We have seen this happen more in the Dry Van segment than any other. Looks can be Deceiving ! When a customer is planning to purchase a trailer because they can get it quick or it is less expensive than others, it may look like it can do the job, but it may not be speced- up to handled certain jobs. This could result in equipment problems down the road. (many times shortly down the road) Example of this is a reefer trailer a customer used for a contract haul, but has to use for a different back haul such as rolled paper which the trailer is not speced for, will result in future problems for that trailer and the customer. Compound this with the fact that many customer have changed their position on life expectancy of their trailers. Where they would have over the years been on a 7 to 10 year trailer cycle, now they are wanting to move that to 15 to 20 years. (due to many reasons, and equipment cost being one of the most) This can be accomplished with additional specs requested when the OE is building the trailer. Such as additional Cross members, Side Post, Scuff band, Interior Sidewall liner, support gear reinforcement, upgraded floor system, etc. Our dealers as with Utility Trailer Sales of Georgia, are well aware of the demand and the long term value of having the correct specifications where needed, and work to up-spec their customers requested trailers as well as the trailers they order for their stock to meet a multitude of applications. They work very closely with their customers to plan the specs for their current operation as well has reviewing with the customer any changes in application or potential future haul to try and keep the customer equipment working for a long life.
Trailer Not speced for this application
Dock Damage Rear of Trailer buckling from Dock Impact. Option 006-269-XXX Special Endplate @ 8 Cross members Just ahead of the Rear Tow brace. This gives the rear more support.
Landing Legs Landing legs damaged due to trailer being incorrectly docked. Option 05-17-036 HD Support Leg Reinf, HD Shuttle Run X-Brace Reinf, HD side post 1st (4) PNLS & 12” max CL
Rub Rails Rub rails can help with outer panel damage and reduce trailer down time for costly repairs. With more carriers on the road, Trailer parking at Rest area’s getting more congested, panels are more Perceptive to damage.
After Before Impact Bars Docking damage to rear swing door hinges and door post Option 12-382-XXX SST Hinge Protector Bar Welded above and below 2nd Bottom Door Hinge R/S and C/S After Before
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