Monday, January 28, 2019 3-There Ought to be a Law! Identify the structure, function and responsibilities of the executive branch. Bell Work 60 Second Civics Classwork Review the 7 Roles of the President Return absent work Review the Executive Branch Finish “A Very Big Branch”, if needed Homework Study for quiz tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 29, 2019 3-There Ought to be a Law! Identify the structure, function and responsibilities of the executive branch. Bell Work Clear off desk for quiz Classwork Executive Branch mini-quiz Summative – There Oughta Be a Law Review directions and examples Executive Branch Test on Thursday! Homework
Wednesday, January 30, 2019 3-There Ought to be a Law! Identify the structure, function and responsibilities of the executive branch. Bell Work 60 Second Civics Classwork Work on summative Homework Study for executive branch test
Thursday, January 31, 2019 3-There Ought to be a Law! Identify the structure, function and responsibilities of the executive branch. Bell Work Quote analysis Classwork “The President’s Agenda” Complete summative assessment today All three journal entries must include: Description of your day fulfilling one role of the President A check/balance on your power Learner profile trait Executive Branch Test tomorrow! Homework Complete summative, if needed.
When the President does it, that means it’s not illegal. -Richard M. Nixon, #37
Friday February 1, 2019 3-There Ought to be a Law! Identify the structure, function and responsibilities of the executive branch. Bell Work CNN10 Classwork Executive Branch Test Complete Summative Homework Have a great weekend!