Reflective Report (Individual 20%) Assessment and Marking BKEY 601 STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES
Reflective Report Having undertaken the Mega Learning business simulation in a team from early October 2013 up to the middle of December 2013, the requirement is to write an individual report based on reflective analysis. 1. An introductory discussion on how reflective practice techniques can be useful to analysing Mega Learning team experience. 2. Use of relevant academic theories and concepts applied to the context of reflective analysis. 3. An outline of critical incidents (positive and negative) that affected team and an individual.
Reflective Report 4. Elaboration on the consequences of these incidents. 5. A concluding part on how the areas discussed previously have: (i) Developed transferable skills (or not) (ii) The influences that learning experiences will have in any future organisational and team roles that students undertake. (iii) Students are encouraged to use relevant academic theories in their conclusions as well.
Reflective Report Due Date to submit digital copy: Thursday, 27th of February 2014 – 13.00 by electronic submission through turn-it-in on Blackboard (by 12:59). Format: Report with Harvard style referencing Word count: 2000 words? +/- 10% An executive summary/abstract should be included and is not part of the 2,000 word count. Critical incidents can be outlined in a table and this will also be excluded from the word count. Marks will be published in the first week of April 2014.
Assessment Criteria Use and detail of critical incidents: 30% Application of academic theories & concepts: 30% Conclusions (Quality of critical insights): 30% Structure, clarity & presentation of work: 10%
On-line marking : available videos How students submit an assignment via Blackboard: How students download their feedback and grades via Grademark: More sophisticated marking techniques in Grademark: How students download their feedback and grades via Grademark: Downloading files (only for staff not using Grademark): You may also find helpful the Blackboard support site to be found at: