Integrated Health for Socially Complex People in Socially Complex Neighborhoods Chairs: Kirsten Peachey John Bartlett Steve Tierney Michelle Tierney
CEO interviewspoint of stress for leaders is the movement from the current health environment (World 1) to the new health care environment (World 2) World 1 to World 2 World 1 World 2 Area of focus for this work group 1 st steps in moving into World 2
3 areas where we need to focus further work of the Team Make the Case Make the Case Dont Wait to Innovate Dont Wait to Innovate Describe The Way Describe The Way
Make the case for treating the SDOH/Whole Person What is the true nature of the problem and the solutions? Grown-up eyes and thinking What is the true nature of the problem and the solutions? Grown-up eyes and thinking Treat the whole person (including their context) and how that translates financially Treat the whole person (including their context) and how that translates financially In World 2, it makes sense to use Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) language and thinking In World 2, it makes sense to use Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) language and thinking PracticallyData platforms, governance shifts, metrics PracticallyData platforms, governance shifts, metrics
Dont Wait to Innovate Dont be slaves to processes/evidence base Dont be slaves to processes/evidence base Start with outcomes versus processes Start with outcomes versus processes Recognize and address anxieties Recognize and address anxieties Specific models and examples Specific models and examples
Describe The Way What are practices that we know work/ that are good practices? E.g. What are practices that we know work/ that are good practices? E.g. Policy/Advocacy Policy/Advocacy Mutual engagement with community Mutual engagement with community Relationship building Relationship building CBPR (Community Based Participatory Research) CBPR (Community Based Participatory Research) Partnership Team collaboration Partnership Team collaboration
Areas for our Influence We also identified 3 areas where we feel the larger HSLG may use its influence to create a more ready environment for this work. This is longer term workprobably beyond the spring meeting with CEOs.
Areas for Our Influence 1. Influence federal partners How can CMS reinforce this approach with concrete rewards for health systems that practice in this way? How can CMS reinforce this approach with concrete rewards for health systems that practice in this way? We need to be proactive voices to drive the ACO conversation We need to be proactive voices to drive the ACO conversation
Areas for our Influence 2. Data Infrastructure Nimble data platforms and systems with accessible and timely feedback for course correction Nimble data platforms and systems with accessible and timely feedback for course correction
Areas for our Influence 3. Engagement with Denominational/ Religious Sponsors/Partners Partners in influencing governmental partners to reward community-based practice? Partners in influencing governmental partners to reward community-based practice? Access theologies/values/principles that can guide and support role of health care systems as stewards of the communitys health. Access theologies/values/principles that can guide and support role of health care systems as stewards of the communitys health.