Common Symptoms Heartburn Globus Chest Pains
Complex Reflux Symptoms Mass Reflux Cough/Asthma/recurrent Chest Infections Sore Throat
Complex Symptoms Dysphagia Pain
Differential Diagnoses Cancer Dysmotility –Oesophageal –gastric
Treatment Conservative Medical –PPI –Barrier Surgical
Medical vs Surgical Only three Trials of Lap vs Medicine –Mahon 2005 –Anvari 2006 –Grant 2008 All Show improve QOL at 1 year
Indications for Surgery Lifestyle Breakthrough Symptom Control Complex Reflux Control
Why pH Manometry Prove reflux Avoid dysmotility Manage expectation
Patients All three patients described have –Dysphagia –Odynophagia –Reflux
Hypotensive dysmotility – typical of GORD
Vigorous Achalasia
Structural obstruction at the PIP
Complex Reflux Disease Mr Yuen Soon