Water – and Marine Directors’ meeting 9 and 10 June 2016 Follow up of the information provided in November 2015. AMSTERDAM
9 JUNE 2016 Marine Etablissement Amsterdam Central Station Organised at the former Marine Barracks in Amsterdam
PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME 8 June 2016 9 June 2016 10 June 2016 Morning Marine Director’s Meeting Water Director’s Meeting Afternoon Joint Marine – Water Directors’Meeting Evening Welcome Social event
Part 2: Joint Water- and Marine Directors 7 Circular Economy Results of Ospar microlitter conference. Pitches on Pharmaceuticals (MS) Presentation on Circular Economy package (COM) Discussion 8 Sustainable Development Goals SDG and Water policy Discussion 9 European and international issues Information point 10 Other Issues Upcoming Presidencies (info by SK/MT/UK) 7: Circular Economy Start with persentation on the results of the OSPAR microlitter conference. Continue with 2 pitches on the approach as regards water pollution and Pharmaceuticals Followed by presentation on the CE package by the Commission. What is missing in the CE Package from a WD/MD point of view. What is the follow up on national level. Council conclusions might be available. 8 SDG COM paper on SDG and Water Policy. Are instruments and objectives compliant with SDG./ Presentation and discussion. 9 European and international issues; information points. Please inform NL Presidency on issues to be tabled under this point. 10 Other issues; information by upcoming Presidencies.
Part 3: Water Directors 11 Water Framework Directive CIS Progress reports Information on new ATG Guidance on water reuse Information notes (Drinking water seminar) 12 Discussion on a joint agenda for Water and Agriculture Pitches on succesful examples Discussion in order to define and prioritise issues for a joint agenda (roadmap) 13 Information on projects Presentations 14 Lessons learned WFD implementation Introduction discussion paper Discussion 15 Commission activities ? 11 WFD CIS Progress reports of WG (if available); Information on 3 new Ad hoc Technical Groups (water reuse, article 4.7, hydromorphology) Guidance document on water reuse (adoption) Information note on the Drinking water seminar that was held in Brussels in January 2016. 12 Discussion on a joint agenda for Water and Agriculture; Presentations on succesful and inspiring examples of cooperation between water environment and agriculture. Followed by a discussion in order to define and prioritise issues for a joint agenda. More info wil be provided under agenda point 8 of the SCG. 13: Presentations on project in NL? 14: A group of WD took the initiative to draft a document on experiences with the implementation of the WFD. This document will be introduced and discussed. It will serve as input to further discussion on water policy in the future and might as well inform the review process of the wfd. 15 Information on Commission activities (if there a activities that needs to be mentioned here)
Part 4: Approval of the minutes 16 Approval of the minutes LUNCH 16 the meeting will conclude with the approval of the minutes. After that there is a lunch and time to visit Amsterdam.