Breakfast market in Taiwan Sum =1000 billion NTD (Growth Rate=10-15%)
Breakfast categories Fast-food & Coffee shop: Mixed style: Rice ball, Clay oven rolls and Fried bread stick Fast-food & Coffee shop: Mixed style: Combine western with Chinese
Core competitive advantages Niche Market →Health concept
Menu Q Menu Rice ball Drink COMBO Meat diet=25 Vegetarian=25 Milk tea=25 Coffee=25 Soy bean milk=25 COMBO Rice ball + Drink=50
Queen Rice Ball curbside restaurant Q ~WELCOME~ Q ORGANIC+HEALTH = Yummy
QUEEN RICE BALL Posters& Handouts ~ NEW OPEN ~ Our mission is to bring a healthy and energy morning to everyone. Q Menu Rice ball Meat diet=25 Vegetarian=25 Drink Milk tea=25 Coffee=25 Soy bean milk=25 COMBO Rice ball + Drink=50