DATA WAREHOUSE The District School Board of Collier County


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Presentation transcript:

DATA WAREHOUSE The District School Board of Collier County The District School Board of Collier County DATA WAREHOUSE was created by CCPS staff to support instruction.

DATA DRIVEN IMPROVEMENT FCAT Success DATA DRIVEN IMPROVEMENT Enjoy FCAT success with DATA DRIVEN IMPROVEMENT by using the Data Warehouse: Determine students’ specific skill instructional needs (In Data Warehouse: STOP Sign; TRAFFIC LIGHT; UNDERSTAND, scroll down, subtest scores; UNDERSTAND, scroll down, select from a wide variety of testing data to review) Adjust instruction to improve student performance with standardized tests.

KNOW SHOW SET GET KNOW - SHOW – SET - GET – identifies steps for improved student performance: FCAT Success.

KNOW Skills Strategies Benchmarks Specifications Stakeholders Educators KNOW: The specific FCAT skills each student needs to develop (Data Warehouse: UNDERSTAND, scroll down, select subtest scores and other critical test results, such as AGS) Test taking strategies (Data Warehouse: HELP, Resources) The tested Sunshine State Standards and FCAT skill benchmarks (Data Warehouse: HELP, Resources) FCAT test specifications (Data Warehouse: HELP, Resources) 5. The stakeholders, in additon to the teacher, with whom teachers communicate regularly about FCAT success strategies: a. The student b. The parents c. Professional colleagues Educators access the SSS and benchmarks (BMs) in the Data Warehouse to determine exactly how the test is created, formatted, and scored. (Data Warehouse: HELP, Resources). Educators use the knowledge about how the questions and responses (also known as distractors) are designed for each benchmark to teach students strategies for each skill tested. Students develop confidence by designing their own FCAT tests using knowledge of the benchmarks and specifications. Students who have used more complex thinking skills to learn, analyze, and replicate how FCAT tests are created in order to be able to design their own FCAT tests internalize the knowledge through application and naturally practice more effective problem solving strategies when taking the actual FCAT. Higher order thinking is required to analyze each distractor to determine why each one is wrong. Students determine which of the possible distractor patterns each wrong answer follows. Determining why each answer is wrong assures that the correct answer is chosen. Beyond the process of elimination of wrong responses, it is analyzing why they are wrong, by applying knowledge of the patterns of wrong responses. Combine with proving why the chosen answer is correct. The capacity for analysis of distractor characteristics and their patterns is internalized by creating tests with the same distractor attributes.

Data Warehouse Teacher Homepage The Data Warehouse teacher homepage consists of: RED STOP SIGN – a quick list of all the teacher’s students’ scores with links to detail pages TRAFFIC LIGHT – quick access to lists of students by FCAT levels The Bloom’s Taxonomy based wheel: KNOW Student demographics, course and grade history UNDERSTAND Student test scores and assessments APPLY Resources for assessment and instruction ANALYZE Progress SYNTHESIZE Factors affecting accountability – meeting AYP and school grades EVALUATE Program success rates and review gains The left vertical menu contains less frequently used applications. Help links are on the left and at the top of the page.

Skills to Develop To access data which indicates student proficiency in FCAT benchmarks click UNDERSTAND from the teacher homepage and scroll down for links to test data pages. confidential

Benchmarks -Test Specs – Strategies To access FCAT Benchmark information, test specifications, and TIPS and Strategies, in Data Warehouse, click Help, click Resources, then scroll down the page for the files needed.

SHOW Charts Posters Confidence Enthusiasm Educators SHOW: Exhibit charts and records tracking improvement of the students, the class, the school, and the district in FCAT scores, school grades, FCAT skill development, and testing in general, motivate students by seeing where they have been, how their efforts result in improvement, and where they will arrive when successful. (In Data Warehouse: UNDERSTAND, scroll down, select from a variety of critical testing data charts) Display posters with lively graphics illustrating strategies and mnemonic devices to help students develop positive images for skill development. Communicate confidence in FCAT success for every student, in the fact that every student can improve, demonstrated by educators with experience with FCAT and understanding of FCAT specifications, convince learners that FCAT success is possible for all students. Students must believe they can succeed. Enthusiasm for learning FCAT skills and raising FCAT scores continually communicates an important message. It is difficult for an educator who professes annoyance or disapproval for FCAT to help students improve testing performance. FCAT is called “high stakes testing” for a reason: if students don’t pass FCAT, they can’t succeed in school, and students who don’t succeed in school have a greater struggle to raise their quality of life, in general. FCAT success is essential. For this reason, educators put aside negative ideas about standardized testing and embrace strategies for FCAT success, as another tool to make a positive impact on the lives of their students. Displays of positive and informative posters with information about the FCAT test, and testing strategies in general, are helpful.

SET Goals Plans Practice Evaluations Educators SET and demonstrate: Set goals with stakeholders so everyone works together for the same purpose by scheduling timely conferences throughout the period of FCAT preparation. The period is, generally, from the beginning of the year until February/March. Set high expectations for all students. Schedule planned cycles of instruction, practice, assessment, and re-teaching of each skill for each student over the time period before the test. Schedule practice tests and progress evaluation conferences with stakeholders to monitor progress, make instructional adjustments as needed, and maintain enthusiasm among all stakeholders. (In Data Warehouse: APPLY, Manage Online Assessment)

Practice Tests Assessments that indicate students’ skill level with each benchmark assessed and with complete FCAT tests overall, as well as general subject area assessments, are available in the Data warehouse by clicking APPLY, Manage Online Assessment.

GET Data Training Resources Higher scores GREAT GAINS Educators GET: 1.Student skill assessment data from the Data Warehouse to determine instructional objectives for each student. This data can be used to form heterogenous learning groups, peer tutoring sets, and schedule instruction. (In Data Warehouse: STOP Sign; TRAFFIC LIGHT; UNDERSTAND, scroll down, select data to review) 2. Training in specific FCAT preparation strategies from their department and team support staff, site based administrators, their colleagues, their own sources, and from Data Warehouse resources, to supplement instructional expertise. 3. Instructional resources for students’ skill and strategy development through their site based adminsitrators, departments, teams, and in the Data Warehouse (In Data Warehouse: HELP, Resources). 4. Prepared for a year of improved skills, scores and great gains to celebrate!

Celebrate Gains Improved student performance is key to designation as an A school.

Instruction & Practice FCAT specifications Question-Response Patterns Cooperative Groups Competing Teams Create Tests This process teaches student FCAT test takers to become FCAT test MAKERS.

STOP! Distractor Patterns S = Silly T = Tricky O = Opposite P = Proven Analyze the distractors in practice tests and benchmark assessments to determine the pattern for each category. The most important category to study and develop proficiency identifying is T = Tricky. There are several “Tricky” patterns for each benchmark.

S Silly T Tricky O Opposite P Proven 1 2 3 DISTRACTOR TRICKS STOP S Silly T Tricky O Opposite P Proven 1. LOOKS - Not correct 2. TRUE – Not correct 3. NBA - Not BEST answer Key: SIMILAR The ideal instructional cycle for each cluster involves a cycle of benchmark question and response analysis, student skill analysis, goal setting conferences, instruction and practice creating questions and responses, tests, evaluations and celebrations for each cluster. Most questions will be in the Main Idea and the Compare and Contrast clusters. To learn specific benchmarks in each cluster, Log in to the Data Warehouse, click Help in the left vertical menu, click Resources.

analysis, conferences, instruction, practice, Cycle per benchmark: analysis, conferences, instruction, practice, practice tests, reviews, celebrations The ideal instructional cycle for each cluster involves a cycle of benchmark question and response analysis, student skill analysis, goal setting conferences, instruction and practice creating questions and responses, tests, evaluations and celebrations for each cluster. Most questions will be in the Main Idea and the Compare and Contrast clusters. To learn specific benchmarks in each cluster, Log in to the Data Warehouse, click Help in the left vertical menu, click Resources.

THE DATA WAREHOUSE The Data Warehouse helps educators analyze students’ history to determine the specific skills each student needs to develop to improve FCAT performance. The Data Warehouse helps educators analyze students’ history to determine the specific skills each student needs to develop to improve FCAT performance. (UNDERSTAND, scroll down, select test data to review)

Instruction is adjusted skill development needs Adjusted Instruction Instruction is adjusted by educators to meet the skill development needs of every student. Instruction is adjusted by educators to meet the skill development needs of every student.

THE RESOURCES Resources to improve specific skills and testing strategies are available in the Data Warehouse, as well as through each department. Resources to improve specific skills and test taking strategies are in the Data Warehouse, as well as through each site, department and team.

Notes pages contain details for reference To print: right –click, then click print, select Notes Pages, select Grayscale Notes pages contain details for reference. To print: right –click, then click print, select Notes Pages, select Grayscale For help using the Data Warehouse contact Synthia LaFontaine at 377-0028, or