T i d a l R i v e r D e v e l o p m e n t


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Presentation transcript:

T i d a l R i v e r D e v e l o p m e n t Estuaries Working Group Meeting 14/03/2008 Interreg IVC Application: „TIDE“ presented by Caroline Freitag www.tide-project.eu

F o c u s TIDE focuses on: European estuaries functioning as shipping channels to important seaports serving as the motors of the European economy Estuaries with a strong tidal influence causing considerable sediment transportation & thus highly dynamic morphological changes, making maintenance dredging extremely challenging Estuaries which have been designated as protected area in the sense of Natura 2000 Agriculture, Fisheries, recreational activities  Clear focus for best practicable and transferable results www.tide-project.eu

A p p r o a c h The TIDE objectives will be achieved by: exchanging expertise, communicating the complex estuarine functioning, comparing management practices, identifying best-practice approaches and short falls, working on recommendations on the implementation of EU-Directives www.tide-project.eu

R e s u l t s - a vision for each estuary - developing strategies to achieve a win-win effect for all stakeholders enhanced comprehension of cause-effect relationships facilitating the decision making process (guidance document) & thus ensuring planning reliability, Estuary network to continuously improve estuary management improved public perception of TIDE topics by broad dissemination definition of further necessary research By integrating all functions & regarding the spacious estuary as a whole: Flexible management approaches especially for dynamic estuarine systems within today‘s regulatory framework Thus ensure future economic growth & safeguard the estuarine uniqueness of tidal estuaries www.tide-project.eu

F a c t s & F i g u r e s 14 TIDE partners from: - 5 countries: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France and UK - 5 estuaries: Elbe, Weser, Scheldt, Seine, Humber - Regions, port authorities, environment agencies and research institutions TIDE is laid-out for 36 months and a requested budget of approx. 3,25 Mio. Euro More information @ www.tide-project.eu www.tide-project.eu

T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n ! www.tide-project.eu TIDE is for the benefit of all different stakeholders, the decision-makers as well as economical & ecological interests T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n ! www.tide-project.eu