T i d a l R i v e r D e v e l o p m e n t Estuaries Working Group Meeting 14/03/2008 Interreg IVC Application: „TIDE“ presented by Caroline Freitag www.tide-project.eu
F o c u s TIDE focuses on: European estuaries functioning as shipping channels to important seaports serving as the motors of the European economy Estuaries with a strong tidal influence causing considerable sediment transportation & thus highly dynamic morphological changes, making maintenance dredging extremely challenging Estuaries which have been designated as protected area in the sense of Natura 2000 Agriculture, Fisheries, recreational activities Clear focus for best practicable and transferable results www.tide-project.eu
A p p r o a c h The TIDE objectives will be achieved by: exchanging expertise, communicating the complex estuarine functioning, comparing management practices, identifying best-practice approaches and short falls, working on recommendations on the implementation of EU-Directives www.tide-project.eu
R e s u l t s - a vision for each estuary - developing strategies to achieve a win-win effect for all stakeholders enhanced comprehension of cause-effect relationships facilitating the decision making process (guidance document) & thus ensuring planning reliability, Estuary network to continuously improve estuary management improved public perception of TIDE topics by broad dissemination definition of further necessary research By integrating all functions & regarding the spacious estuary as a whole: Flexible management approaches especially for dynamic estuarine systems within today‘s regulatory framework Thus ensure future economic growth & safeguard the estuarine uniqueness of tidal estuaries www.tide-project.eu
F a c t s & F i g u r e s 14 TIDE partners from: - 5 countries: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France and UK - 5 estuaries: Elbe, Weser, Scheldt, Seine, Humber - Regions, port authorities, environment agencies and research institutions TIDE is laid-out for 36 months and a requested budget of approx. 3,25 Mio. Euro More information @ www.tide-project.eu www.tide-project.eu
T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n ! www.tide-project.eu TIDE is for the benefit of all different stakeholders, the decision-makers as well as economical & ecological interests T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n ! www.tide-project.eu