Strategic Transport Technology Plan (STTP) Based on update, 19 January 2011 Marcel Rommerts European Commission DG Mobility and Transport
Rationale from Transport policy and R&I perpective Clearer and realistic view on long term advances in technology (seen holistically) resulting long term policy requirements (legislation, standardisation, …) resulting long term financial implications (market take up, deployment, …) Better co-ordination / increased leverage of financial instruments Stronger alignment R + I and transport policy Knowledge, societal challenges, competitiveness Better management of innovation pathways
STTP Objective Better exploit the contribution of R + I to policy, in line with new Transport White Paper objectives Key issues to be tackled: Identification of key technologies where action at EU level can add value Need for long term ‘portfolio approach’, avoiding technology lock-in Long-term levels of investment in transport R + I Synergetic innovation processes, avoiding fragmentation of efforts Acting timely by providing adequate yet flexible planning Improve availability of harmonised data and information across EU borders Organisation of the STTP follow up
Output: STTP Communication With an Impact Assessment Report and three Staff Working Papers (tentative): Initial roadmaps for key technologies Paper on state of the art in European transport technology and prospects Paper on research undertaken by Member States and industry (‘Capacity Map’)
Initial roadmaps For each of the key innovative transport technologies Covering the full innovation chain: from research till market take up and implementation Funding instruments, who should pay for what? Implementation instruments and coordination/organisational mechanisms
State of the art paper First step: undertake assessment to identify state of the art and prospective developments Information collection and review, including Technology Platform roadmaps Validation of first observations during stakeholder hearings Validation through independent scientific (academic) panel
Working method - Commission Internal Task Force: DG MOVE, DG RTD, DG JRC Input DG JRC on state of the art and prospects, ‘Capacity Map’ and impact assessment Stakeholder hearings, including technology platforms, JTI’s, sectoral organisations, ….(by invitation only)
Additional inputs Internet consultation (Written contributions) Informal meeting with Member States through Transport Programme Committee reps. (informal setting 15/2/2011) ‘Capacity Map’: system elements, funding patterns Drivers and barriers to R+I process Information/procedure to monitor and manage R+I What technology for the future and what added value for the EU?
Tentative time planning
Concluding comments The STTP will have a time horizon 2025/2030 Priorities in line with EU 2020 Strategy and directions new Transport White Paper Basis for preparation of FP8 and input to the debate on the next EU financial framework The STTP will also include a look at ‘strategic’ research to support policy development