Meeting on 21 June 2002 GUS, Warsaw, Poland 10:00 a.m. PROGRAMME SECRETARIAT for the Phare Multi-Beneficiary Statistical Co-operation Programme Meeting on 21 June 2002 GUS, Warsaw, Poland 10:00 a.m.
Contents of the presentation Objectives of the PS project Actors involved Compliance issues Dissemination of information Publications Role of CCs Conclusions from the project
Objectives of the 1999 PS project Monitoring compliance acquis in statistics Analysis of information; Dissemination of information Support for MGSC and PGSC meetings
Actors involved NSIs of candidate countries - 10 Phare and Cyprus, Malta and Turkey under special funds Majority of NSIs of Member States (B, DK, D, F, NL, A, P, FIN, S, UK) and Norway Eurostat units Individual experts and companies
Results of the 1999 PS project Information on compliance exists and is organised and used (database); Information on Phare Programme activities in statistics is available and disseminated (Newsletter, Publication on statistical systems) MGSC and PGSC meetings are organised and decisions implemented;
Monitoring compliance Elements: Maintenance and updating CDB Follow up of acquis development Software improvement Assessments (GAs and SAs) Dissemination of information between CCs and Eurostat
Compliance Database Updating of information (acquis and CC and Eurostat inputs) Updating of software Annual meetings on CDB Statistical Requirements Compendium
Assessments Global assessments - under the 1999 PS project done for seven CCs, updated for three; three other CY, MT and TR done with other funds; - ten MSs involved and Norway; Sectoral assessments - limited to Prodcom reports;
Dissemination of information Phare Newsletter: six issues Leaflet promoting the publication Publication on statistical systems Compliance database contents Handling individual requests Reporting
Publication on the CC national statistical systems Purpose Target users Contents: - Introductory chapter - Country chapters - Annexes
Role of CC in the PS project implementation Guidance, initiation and approval Information inputs (reporting, self assessments, updating) Participation in discussion on compliance (methodology) and software improvement Contributions to Newsletter and publication Hosting missions of experts and meetings
Conclusions Mature project - continuation of the 1997 project (implementation of initial concepts) More active involvement of the CCs Substantial results (CDB contents, publication on national statistical systems) Good basis for accession and better integration into the ESS (more information in the CCs, MSs and Eurostat)