Myths and Heroes I. Pre-Trojan War
Jason and the Golden Fleece Sailed on the “argos”, heroes called Argonauts Had to pass by dragon and sow its teeth into the fields Had help from Medea, who then went crazy when Jason left her and killed their children
Theseus and the Minotaur Theseus has to kill Minotaur and change sails of ship from black to white Gets help from Ariadne, who gives a spool of thread Leaves Ariadne on island of Naxos and forgets to change sail. His father, King Aegeus, kills himself by diving into the sea. Aegean Sea.
Hercules and the 12 labors Nemean Lion, Lernian Hydra, Golden Stag, Erymanthian Boar, Augean Stables, Stymphalian Birds, Cretan Bull, Mares of Diomedes, Girdle of Amazon, Cattle of Geryon, Apples of Hesperides, Capture Cerberus
Perseus and Medusa Had to kill Medusa and bring back her head Used curved sword, mirror shield, winged sandals, invis helm, and magic bag Freed Andromeda on his way home
II. Trojan War- Achilles Bathed in river Styx, only vulnerable in the heel Kills Hector, the hero of Troy Shot by Paris in the heel
Odysseus and his Odyssey Cyclops- Polyphemus Circe- men-to-pig enchantress Scylla and Charbydis- whirlpool and monster Lotus-eaters- drug-like plants Cattle of Helios- sun gods cattle Sirens- singing she-monsters Calypso- temptress
Odysseus’ Return to Ithaca Son, Telemachus, plots with his father Wife, Penelope, tricks suitors by weaving and unravelling Proves worth by dressing as beggar than shooting his epic bow through 12 ax handles Kills suitors and, after 20 yrs, returned to his rightful place