Metacognition: How can it impact learning? Stephen Wawrzyniak MSc in Learning and Teaching
Aim of the study Metacognition is a strategy which is an important tool in supporting learners becoming lifelong learners. Getting the students to talk aloud about the thinking they are going through by building metacognitive experiences (moments when the light comes on) into lessons. The aim of the study was to get a better understanding of what metacognition is as a more effective tool emerging for lifelong learning, and how to support the learners in becoming aware of, and using this strategy in learning 'If the child is going to control and direct his own thinking, in the kind of way we have been considering, he must become conscious of it.' (p. 94). Acan play a key role in encouraging this metacognitive awareness in children. The teacher can ask children about the successes and difficulties they have had with problems. Students can be encouraged to reflect on the kinds of thinking they have been engaged in, and to be conscious of those processes that have been helpful or have hindered their progress.
What research says Growth Mindset Metacognitive regulation and metacognitive awareness Move away from Didactic teaching and offer more Cognitive Extension and Meta Teaching Experiences (internalised) can impact on metacognitive ability.
Implications Belief Say you don’t know, but then think aloud, model the steps/thinking you use to find an answer Steps (local expert to general expert) Start with questions (links) Goals / planning (strategies) Monitoring Evaluating (links) Words (vocab) This is what I will be doing, come and find me if you do to.