Greenhouse systems are to a great degree important in the sense that they provide controlled climatic conditions around plants for optimum plant growth. To achieve this, a microcontroller based circuit is used to monitor and control the set parameters of the environment[1]. 2
The aim of this research is to design and implement a monitor and control system for a greenhouse environment. The objectives include: 1. To read greenhouse environment parameter (like light intensity, temperature and humidity) using sensor. 2. To control environment parameters based on read parameter (using actuators) with a microcontroller. 3. To display environment parameter using a LCD 3
AUTHORTITLEAIMRESULT Daniela Attalia ET AL.[2] Automated Greenhouse (temperature and soil moisture control) To analyze the possibility of a greenhouse temperature being maintained in a desired range for optimum crop yield, investigate the reliability of the watering system. Watering system wasn’t function but the temperature control system was okay. 4
The methodology to be used here is rapid prototyping. This methodology provides an avenue to create a sample of a product which is not fully functional. This helps in reducing risk in creating something that no one will eventually use[3]. 5
The following are steps involved in rapid prototyping 1. Prototyping: this has to do with creating a mock up of a project which doesn’t give away too much in terms of functionality and doesn’t give too little 2. Review: this step involves sharing the prototype with users. 3. Refine: this process involves improving the quality of the system based on user feedback.[3] 6
1. Arduino microcontroller 2. Liquid crystal display(LCD) 3. Sensors(temperature, humidity,light intensity) 4. Actuators(fan, LED, Relay(controller)) 8
In conclusion, the greenhouse environment provides a favorable environment for optimum plant growth, reduction in crop disease and lastly decrease in direct supervision of crops. 9
[1] Jeyashree.K1 and C. G., "monitor and control of environment for greenhouse using sensor networks," international Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJARECE), vol. 5, p. 5, march [2]D. Attalla and J. Tannfelt Wu, "Automated Greenhouse: Temperature and soil moisture control," ed, [ 3]A. jain, "A beginners guide to rapid prototyping", freecodecamp,