Title : Quality data for efficient management - lessons from the UNRWA Health Procurement Strengthening Project Abstract: Introduction :UNRWA has been providing assistance and protection to Palestine refugees across five areas of operation. Around 75% of deaths among Palestine refugees today are caused by chronic diseases. By 2016, 250,000 patients were reported having diabetes mellitus and/or hypertension. This presentation describes the organizational response to a demand for quality and sustainable supply of essential medicines. Methodology :In 2011, a study analyzed UNRWA’s medicine procurement processes and identified priorities to ensure procuring high quality medicines with low prices. The Health Procurement Strengthening Project (HPSP) was subsequently commenced in partnership with Empower School of Health (ESH). In order to map all procurement and supply chain management processes, the project dealt with quantification of products, reviewing and developing vendor registration forms for medicines, prequalification of products and suppliers, as well as reviewing of tender documents to incorporate quality assurance standards. Workshops were conducted in 2015 for concerned UNRWA's staff. Comparison between different field offices was made possible with a standardized data matrix (including consumption data and procurement price). Staff was trained on Quality Assurance standar/ procedures, Health Financial Forecasting/ Budgeting Methodology as well as Quantification Re-validation. Outcomes :The tender exercise for the top 36 medicines (which accounted for almost 80% of the budget) was completed. With the introduction of UNRWA Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance policy and Strategic Sourcing for qualified pharmaceutical manufacturers, a sizable procurement efficiency gain was achieved (estimated to be ($ 1.4 -2) million annually).These gains helped the agency to build sufficient buffer stock and introduce other services. In November 2016, a standardized quantification template was further developed to be used by all Fields. The final phase of HPSP(ongoing) is to develop new procurement strategy focusing on rationalizing the drug list for procurement purposes. Conclusions:HPSP is a result of a robust study that identified key organizational priorities for procedural changes. A major task was to utilize information technology and to provide leadership in mapping out procurement processes across different field offices, which operate in their unique contexts. Capacity building of regional staff on quantification and forecasting can bring improvement in efficiency and cost-saving.