Instructional Coaches District BE/ESL Department Annual Goal: ELL student group will have 60% pass rate on STAAR reading assessment in spring 2016 Root Cause: Lack of teacher understanding for appropriate instructional strategies to meet ELL needs. Strategy: Implement sheltered instruction strategies campus-wide Administrative Team Teacher-Learning Teacher-Practice Student-Learning Instructional Coaches District BE/ESL Department Design training plan and calendar Teachers will understand how to incorporate all four language domains into lessons Teachers will incorporate language objectives into lesson plans Students are making growth in language proficiency levels Conduct walkthroughs Provide training Design walkthrough protocol Teachers will understand linguistic instructional strategies Teacher will incorporate multiple language domains into daily lessons Students’ academic vocabulary increases Provide feedback Do walkthrough to monitor implementation and calibrate with campus admin Teachers will incorporate linguistic instructional strategies Provide follow-up support training Provide feedback to campus leadership team Provide feedback to teachers on walkthroughs Evaluate strategy implementation Provide coaching and resources Assist admin team in designing training plan and calendar Attend training 2 4 5 6 16 8 3 10 13 15 7 8 8 14 12 9 Presenter Talking Points: Next, regardless of stakeholder, order the actions/behaviors in the order that they need to happen. What has to be done first, second, etc. Notice some stakeholders may have same actions. In this example they are ordered with the same number because both stakeholder groups will be doing them together. However, it could be that there are different numbers for different stakeholder groups on same action because different groups will take the lead at different times. 10 17 11 2 1 1 17 17