Where to find real info on Phoenix? Budget http://openbooks.tylertech.com/jcps/TransWebPages/Home.aspx This contains ALL the money JCPS spends and marks where it goes Kind of eye opening to look at Rick Pitino. He gets paid the same as our entire school’s yearly budget. Math is fun! School History Mrs. B knows this history JCPS Board Member Page http://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/board/BoardMap/Board_Members.html This has a list of the current board members of JCPS Proposed changes to Alternative Schools Go to the links page on www.kingdomandkeys.com and click the button on the bottom right hand part of the page Salaries http://datacenter.courier-journal.com/government/salaries/ This contains the salary information of EVERY JCPS employee School data http://www.localschooldirectory.com/public-school/345348858/KY Pretty up to date – numbers attending is highest on the web http://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/schools/Special/VirturalSchool.html Sort of up to date – official site