African Adventure
Guess how many languages are spoken in Africa…. Preview: Guess how many languages are spoken in Africa….
History Early Africans lived as hunter-gatherers African rulers enslaved prisoners –> increased slave trade European rule and colonization Nationalism – desire to rule themselves South Africa & Apartheid – separated ethnic groups and limited rights of black South Africans
Language 2,000 – 3,000 different languages spoken {Just a few} Swahili, Hausa, Yoruba, French, Dutch, English, Arabic, Bantu, Pidgin
Culture & Lifestyle Family ties are very important Extended family households of generations Rural villages in “compounds” (group of houses surrounded by walls): farming City life – homes range from crowded communities on edge of cities to luxury apts & single family homes: industry, commerce, manufacturing
Economy Small plots of subsistence farming Cacao, coffee, tea, bananas, cassava/yuca, potatoes, corn, grains, sisal (plant fiber used to make rope) Industries of copper, tin, diamonds, oil, manganese, uranium, timber, salt