Association of total disease burden and disease progression with age‐adjusted blood heteroplasmy Association of total disease burden and disease progression with age‐adjusted blood heteroplasmy Points are coloured according to mean age‐adjusted blood heteroplasmy level. Dashed lines and shading represent scores and 95% confidence intervals predicted using a linear model (with the square root of NMDAS score as the dependent variable and age and age‐adjusted blood heteroplasmy as independent variables) for individuals with 10% (blue), 50% (orange) and 90% (red) heteroplasmy levels. Association of total disease burden with age‐adjusted blood heteroplasmy. Points represent mean NMDAS score per individual.Association of and disease progression with age‐adjusted blood heteroplasmy. Each point represents one NMDAS assessment with points from each individual connected by a solid line (N = 210). John P Grady et al. EMBO Mol Med. 2018;10:e8262 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend