Ducks Unlimited conserves, manages, and restores wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people. COPRI workshop April 6, 2017
Cullinan Ranch & Skaggs Island are located in San Pablo Bay Vallejo San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay San Francisco South Bay
Cullinan Ranch needs 3 million cubic yards of dredged material Napa River Hwy 37 Cullinan Ranch Placement Area Dutchman Slough Vallejo San Pablo Bay
The containment infrastructure is essentially complete Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay
The containment infrastructure is essentially complete Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay Future water intake and decant
Cullinan has two authorized offloading locations Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay Future water intake and decant Authorized offloading locations
Cullinan has two authorized offloading locations Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay Future water intake and decant Authorized offloading locations
200,000 cubic yards of material was imported in 2016 Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay
We still have a long way to go Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay
Skaggs Island is in its preliminary design phase Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay
Importing material to Skaggs Island will be difficult Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay
Material import to Skaggs is a long term investment Napa River Hwy 37 63 AC 32 AC 34 AC Dutchman 63 AC Slough 66 AC Vallejo San Pablo Bay