Physics 319 Classical Mechanics G. A. Krafft Old Dominion University Jefferson Lab Lecture 22 G. A. Krafft Jefferson Lab
General Solution Place following boundary conditions on solution Then get Phase delayed oscillations with amplitude that goes from one degree of freedom to the other and back again
Beats In normal mode view have oscillators at slightly different frequencies. Beating is constructive and destructive interference
Lagrangian Version of Two Carts Euler-Lagrange equations of motion are identical to before
Double Pendulum Oscillations Double Pendulum Lagrangian Small Oscillation (Linearization) Approximation (0,0) l1 l2
Equations of Motion The Euler-Lagrange equations of motion are written in the matrix form as Same solution method as before
Equal Mass and Length Case When m1 = m2 and l1 = l2
Normal Modes First Normal Mode Symmetric Displacements Note: amplitudes different in the normal mode!
Symmetric Displacement
Second Normal Mode Other normal mode Antisymmetric normal mode
Antisymmetric Displacement
n Coupled Bodies Use Lagrangian description to analyze general case of n coupled bodies. The general displacement is described by a column vector Evaluate the kinetic energy Defines the M matrix as before
General Potential Matrix For small oscillations about an equilibrium point, the dominant contribution for the potential follows from a Taylor expansion of the potential energy function Euler-Lagrange equations yield, for each index i This is the familiar matrix equation
Solution Method Find n normal mode frequencies by solving the secular or characteristic equation Find n normal mode vectors Write general solution as the sum over the normal modes. Expansion coefficients determined by the initial conditions
Three Coupled Oscillators Solve the problem of three coupled oscillators Kinetic energy easy Gravitation potential easy
Equations of Motion Spring potential energy Dynamical matrices
Secular Equation First normal mode totally symmetric
Second normal mode, antisymmetric like Third normal mode, also antisymmetric like
From Taylor
Resolution into Normal Modes Given the time displacement of the total system and that you know the normal mode eigenvectors, one can easily determine the normal mode amplitude and phase. Simply perform the sum using the eigenvector of the mode