Machine Vision By: Reza Ebrahimpour 2009 2009
Lecture 1 Introduction Machine Vision R. Ebrahimpour, 2008
Machine Vision
Digital Image Processing Textbook: 1) .Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, "Digital Image Processing, 2nd edition", Prentice Hall, 2002. Web Page: - .Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing Using Matlab”, Prentice Hall, 2006. Reference Books: 2) John C. Russ, “The Image Processing Handbook, Third edition”, IEEE Press, 1999. 3) Anil k. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Prentice-Hall, 1989. 4) Ian T. Young, Jan J. Gerbrands and Lucas J. van Vliet, “Fundamentals of Image Processing”.
Image Enhancement Image Restoration
Digital Image Fundamentals Why we need to study Human Visual System(HVS)? Since we process image – A true measure of image processing quality is how well the image appears to the observer. – The HVS is very complex and is not understood well in a complete sense. However, many of its properties can be identified and used to our advantage. So, we need to know What intensity differences, we can distinguish? What is the spatial resolution of our eye? How accurately we estimate and compare distances and areas? How do we sense colors? By which features can we detect and distinguish objects? 8
Visual Processing by the Retina From Principles of Neural Science(Kandel, 2007), Chap. 26-29
Two types of photoreceptors: rods and cones
From Rod and Cone to optic nerve
The visual field has both binocular and monocular zones
The lens of the eye projects an inverted image on the retina in the same way as a camera
A simplified diagram of the projections from the retina to the visual areas of the thalamus (lateral geniculate nucleus) and midbrain (pretectum and superior colliculus)
Visual losses after selective lesioning of the magnocellular and parvocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus in monkeys
The primary visual cortex has distinct anatomical layers, each with characteristic synaptic connections
Receptive field of a simple cell in the primary visual cortex
Perception of Motion, Depth, and Form
Depth Perception
Illusions of edges used to study the higher level information processing in V2 cells of the monkey
Response of a neuron in the inferior temporal cortex to complex stimuli