A spreadsheet is an application which allows you to calculate many simple or complex figures You can create this figures by using formulas; this helps you calculate many figures instantly.
The main users of spreadsheets are firstly businesses. This is because many businesses have financial records which they need to store in order to know how there business is performing. Also how much total income is coming into the business per month or annually depending on how often the business wants to know how well they are performing
Accountants also use spreadsheets to contain the data. This is so that they can quickly calculate the totals to produce the information They also calculate the fees and tax amount their clients need to pay.
Spreadsheets are also used for education purposes. For example, a college will hold every pupils grades to produce an average grade overall in one year They can also use spreadsheets to keep a record of who was present in their lessons; therefore they can produce a percentage of their presence in college.
Spreadsheets can be used to solve complex problems because it can help solve sums using formulas, which helps solve complex problems as it reduces the amount of human error being made; it automatically changes the total sum of a calculation if one of the fields data has been modified. Spreadsheets can support business decisions as they can manipulate the data on their spreadsheets and change it into a more suitable and viewable format such as graphs to help support them in top strategic level decisions. This is because pie charts and other formats of data being displayed can help top level strategic management of businesses to view their data in a more clear view and make sense of it. Businesses can look at their previous sales and data and make a predicament on what type of sales figures there business could create in the future and manipulate that data into a graph to make it easier to understand it. Calculations will help the business takeaway their expenditures form their income to give them a total decisions of whether their business has made a profit or loss. Also conditional formatting in spreadsheets allows the business to highlighting the areas which are positive such as the amount of income they have made to make the spreadsheet look ore presentable.
Organisations uses interpretation methods such as data mining to analyse data. Data mining is when you receive data from other people, to analyse patterns and trends. For example, you can see what product is popular as you can check how many times the product is being sold.