8Y 02-15-2017 Wednesday War in the East Objective: Describe the outbreak and the early battles of the Civil War. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: Page 515 # 3 Go over page 515 Reading Chapter 16.2 War in the East – reading and re-enactment Homework: Chapter 16.2 Main Ideas and Key Terms and People in your notes.
Chapter 16.2 The War in the East Read Aloud and Re-enactment Create a silent re-enactment of your assigned reading section: 1. Someone from your group must read the section aloud to the class. You can take turns reading. 2. While the reader is reading, the rest of the group must re-enact what is being read in the background. It must be silent. You can use whiteboards and construction paper signs as props and name tags. You must have name tags and labels to help your audience know what's going on. 3. You may pause the reading at key points in your reading passage to give a more detailed re-enactment with speaking parts. But it cannot be more than a minute long. 4. Prepare ONE Google slide to show the class at the end of your reading and re-enactment. It should summarize the key points, people, dates, causes and effects, etc. in bullet point format. It should be clear, to the point, and easy to remember. Only one member from each group needs to turn this in using Google Classroom.