An exciting journey through all the circles of Hell Dante’s Inferno An exciting journey through all the circles of Hell
The Seven Deadly Sins (Saint Thomas Aquinas) Lust Gluttony Avarice Sloth Anger Envy Pride
LEVELS OF HELL VESTIBULE: Neutrals and Opportunists, indecisive, no real beliefs, those who don’t choose sides CIRCLE #1—LIMBO: Virtuous Pagans and Unbaptized Babies CIRCLE #2: Carnal and Lustful CIRCLE #3: Gluttons CIRCLE #4: Hoarders and Wasters CIRCLE #5: Wrathful and Sullen or Slothful
LEVELS OF HELL CIRCLE #6: Heretics CIRCLE #7.1: Violence Against Neighbors CIRCLE #7.2: Violence Against Oneself (Forest of the Suicides) CIRCLE #7.3.1: Violence Against God CIRCLE #7.3.2: Violence Against Nature (Homosexuals) CIRCLE #7.3.3: Violence Against Art MALEBOLGE
LEVELS OF HELL Circle 8: Fraud CIRCLE #8.1: Pimps, Panderers, and Seducers CIRCLE #8.2: Flatterers CIRCLE #8.3: Simonists (Users of the Church) CIRCLE #8.4: Fortunetellers and Soothsayers CIRCLE #8.5: Grafters CIRCLE #8.6: Hypocrites CIRCLE #8.7: Thieves CIRCLE #8.8: Evil Counselors and Deceivers CIRCLE #8.9: Sowers of Discord/Scandal/Schism CIRCLE #8.10: Falsifiers
LEVELS OF HELL CIRCLE #9.1 - CAINA: Treachery to Kindred CIRCLE #9.2 - ANTENORA: Treachery to Country or Political Party CIRCLE #9.3 - TOLOMEA: Treachery to Guests CIRCLE #9.4 - JUDECCA: Treachery to Lords or Superiors LOWEST LEVEL OF HELL: The worst of those who betrayed their benefactors ~Satan, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius (Macbeth?)