Woodland Hills School District Realignment Plan
DISTRICT AREAS OF CONCERN School Facilities Academic Achievement Enrollment Finances The Next 10 Years
Academic Achievement Increase Student Achievement for all students Strengthen the “Core Program” ELA, Math, Science Increased Student participation in the “Arts” Targeted intervention for gap closure in gender and racial disparities within programs Greater inclusion for special education students Differentiated learning Implement a Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Academics/ Behavior “reboot” of the Promise program – Keeping students in school Enhanced Cyber program - $3mil loss to the district District Focus on Early Literacy special events parent workshops
Academic Achievement Increase Staff enrichment Increased Teacher Collaboration Targeted Professional Development Staff retention Staff morale Implement a building level system of Supports for staff Realign supports at grade level Differentiated instruction Co-teaching District Focus on community special events parent workshops collaboration with outside school providers Improve parent teacher communications
Academic Achievement PSSA Academy Percentage of Students Proficient and Advanced Category School District State English Language Arts 55.4 37 61.4 Math 42.6 21.6 42 Science 50.5 38.5 64.8 Edgewood Percentage of Students Proficient and Advanced Category School District State English Language Arts 50.7 37 61.4 Math 34.2 21.6 42 Science N/A 38.5 64.8 Wilkins Percentage of Students Proficient and Advanced Category School District State English Language Arts 28.9 37 61.4 Math 25 21.6 42 Science N/A 38.5 64.8 Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) is a standardized test administered to public schools in the state of Pennsylvania. Students in grades 3-8 are assessed in English language arts skills and mathematics. Students in grades 4 and 8 are also assessed in skills relating to natural science, including the field of data interpretation and analysis
Academic Achievement PSSA Intermediate Percentage of Students Proficient and Advanced Category School District State English Language Arts 28.8 37 61.4 Math 15.4 21.6 42 Science 46.5 38.5 64.8 Jr/Sr High School Percentage of Students Proficient and Advanced Category School District State English Language Arts 30.3 37 61.4 Math 6.8 21.6 42 Science 25 38.5 64.8 Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) is a standardized test administered to public schools in the state of Pennsylvania. Students in grades 3-8 are assessed in English language arts skills and mathematics. Students in grades 4 and 8 are also assessed in skills relating to natural science, including the field of data interpretation and analysis
Special Education There has been a 45.5% increase to Special Ed since the 2014-15 school year
Special Education With increasing need for supports we must use creative solutions to get students the necessary resources for them to become successful
Special Education Special Ed. Totals are rising in all schools
Enrollment Overall 4 Yr. Decline In Enrollment Of 14.4% Or 550 Students
Enrollment Average Grade Level has 251 Students
Enrollment Average Students Grad - 84.4% State Average for 2013-2016 - 87.8%
Enrollment Average Students Lost to Dropout 35.8
Enrollment Where our Students go….
Finances Revenues PSERS Medical Insurance Costs Staffing Costs
Total Revenue REVENUES 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Local Sources 46,595,378 47,738,259 50,236,474 54,114,997 53,846,768 Local non-tax revenue 1,877,555 1,548,279 1,703,995 1,637,100 1,728,497 State Sources 27,781,697 28,898,334 29,475,864 31,470,207 32,409,478 Federal Sources 3,415,157 2,971,859 3,622,814 3,858,308 3,178,523 Investments earnings 31,166 26,322 37,899 151,839 390,684 Total Revenue 79,700,953 81,183,052 85,077,046 91,232,451 91,553,950
Public School Employees’ Retirement System -PSERS PSERS has grown 540% since 2008-09 School Year Salaries and Benefits
Expenditures - Personnel Number of EE and PSERS
Expenditures - Medical Health Costs
School Facilities Mechanical and environmental upgrades Creating environments that are grade level appropriate Utilizing the newest most cost efficient properties Practical Square Footage/Classrooms Dickinson Middle School Opening High School remodel
Wilkins Primary Current Proposed Pre-School Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade
Edgewood Elementary Current Proposed Pre-School Kindergarten Third Grade First Grade Fourth Grade Second Grade Fifth Grade
Intermediate Current Proposed Fourth Grade Sixth Grade Fifth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade
Woodland Hills Academy Current Proposed Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade
Jr/Sr High School Current Proposed Seventh Grade Ninth Grade Eighth Grade Tenth Grade Eleventh Grade Twelfth Grade
Realignment Age appropriate academic environment Balanced level of student support Reduces staffing and operational costs Uses full capacity of Academic Centers Begins life-long friendships Continue phased implementation of Programming Differentiated learning
Realignment Reduces future renovation costs No confusion of attendance lines Eliminating inequities Eliminates Lottery Balanced diversity in student activities Exposing students to a varied curriculum Non-gender biased education Unchanged bell times
The future of education the Next 10 Years Personalization and Customization Student Ownership of their education objectives Increased Rigor Innovative Learning Spaces and Environments Interconnectivity – Anytime / anyplace learning Real-World Application Plus Project-Based Learning Gender neutral learning environments
WHSD Reversal of Academic decline Early childhood academy Charge to Success Grade Level collaborations resource realignments Fine arts academy Clear pathways for steam Competitive Cyber Academy Dual enrollment
WHSD Wilkins Early Childhood Academy Edgewood Intermediate academy Woodland hills academy of fine arts Dickson preparatory steam academy Woodland hills high school
WHSD Community meeting dates and locations: Thursday March 21st @ 6pm Administration building Thursday March 28th @ 6pm High School Media Center Saturday March 30th @ 9:30am Swissvale Library - Senior center Thursday April 4th @ 6pm Rankin Christian center
WHSD Questions……… We will be creating a faq page on our website to answer questions regarding the district reconfiguration.
Woodland Hills School District Realignment Plan